I\'m attempting to implement a simple Single Sign On scenario where some of the participating servers will be windows (IIS) boxes. It looks like SPNEGO is a reasonable path
Take a look at the http://spnego.sourceforge.net/credential_delegation.html tutorial. It seems to be doing what you are trying to do.
This is exactly what Apple does with its Calendar Server. They have a python gssapi library for the kerberos part of the process, in order to implement SPNEGO.
Look in CalendarServer/twistedcaldav/authkerb.py for the server auth portion. The kerberos module (which is a c module), doesn't have any useful docstrings, but PyKerberos/pysrc/kerberos.py has all the function definitions.
Here's the urls for the svn trunks:
I've been searching quite some time for something similar (on Linux), that has lead me to this page several times, yet giving no answer. So here is my solution, I came up with:
The web-server is a Apache with mod_auth_kerb. It is already running in a Active Directory, single sign-on setup since quite some time. What I was already able to do before:
sspi.ClientAuth("Negotiate", targetspn="http/%s" % host)
The following code snippet completes the puzzle (and my needs), having Python single sign on with Kerberos on Linux (using python-gssapi):
service_name = gssapi.Name("HTTP@%s" % host, gssapi.C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE)
spnegoMechOid = gssapi.oids.OID.mech_from_string("")
ctx = gssapi.InitContext(service_name,mech_type=spnegoMechOid)
out_token = ctx.step(in_token)
buffer = sspi.AuthenticationBuffer()
outStr = base64.b64encode(out_token)