Splitting values into groups evenly

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渐次进展 2020-12-14 05:28

Let me try to explain the situation the best I can.

Lets say I have 3 values

1, 2, 3

I tell an algorithm to split this values into

  • 2020-12-14 05:38

    If you want exact same values, then for number of columns x=2, it is the classic Partition Problem which is NP-Complete, but has pseudo polynomial solutions.

    Any more columns (i.e. x>2), and it becomes strongly NP-Complete. 3-Partition Problem.

    For x > 3, I suspect it will still be strongly NP-Complete.

    Since the x-partition problem can be reduced to your problem, it is going to be as hard as the above problems.

    You would probably need some heuristic methods to help you out.

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  • 2020-12-14 05:42

    I would do it like this:

    • add all the values, let's call this S
    • divide S by the number of columns, let's call this M.
    • find a set of values of which the sum is M or as close as possible to M, using a knapsack algorithm (e.g. http://search.cpan.org/~andale/Algorithm-Knapsack-0.02/lib/Algorithm/Knapsack.pm (just a quick Google on knapsack))
    • take the sum of the set of values and subtract it from S, let's call it T.
    • divide T by the number of columns minus 1
    • and repeat the algorithm
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  • I answered a similar question a while back.

    I can think of a greedy sub optimal solution.

    1. Sort the numbers decreasing order order. (smaller numbers surprise less so deal them later)
    2. Decide on the number of sets you are going to have. not too sure about this
    3. Go through the set elements one by one and put them into the subset which has the lowest sum (round robin in case of equal sums)

    This is never going to give you the optimal solution though.

    For your case, 8 7 4 3 1 would be the order. And you would (luckily) get the same results as you've mentioned.

    8 = 8

    7 1 = 8

    4 3 = 7

    This will not always give you the optimal solution

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