I\'m trying to create a web user interface for a Java application. The user interface is going to be very simple, consisting of a single page with a form for users to pose t
The technology you need to learn is the Sun Java Servlet specification since that is what ALL non-trivial java webservers implement. This enables you to write servlets which can do all the things you need server side. You can then develop against any container working well with your iDe, and deploy on any other container working well in production.
You also need to learn basic HTML as you otherwise would need to learn JavaServer Faces or similar which is a rather big mouthfull to create the submit button you need with the other entries in a HTML form.
For your Engine to work you can create a servlet with a singleton in web.xml, which you can then call. Be absolutely certain it is thread safe otherwise you will have a lot of pain. For starters you can declare your invoking servlet synchronized to ensure that at most one call of run() is active at any time.
Jetty is a very lightweight container, and perfect for your development scenario.
You might want to look at Wicket for your rendering side; you seem more comfortable doing code-like tasks as opposed to straight UI.
The pattern you are describing is the Singleton pattern. Take a look at the google results for singleton in java.
To expand in this point. When implementing JSPs, there are two models refered to as (with some inventiveness) as Model 1 and Model 2. See this explanation.
In the case of model 1 you tend to put code directly into the JSP, it's acting in a controller role. Persoanlly, even when dealing with small, quickly developed apps, I do not so this. I always use Model 2. However if you choose you can just put some Java into your JSP.
<% MyWorker theWorker = MyWorkerFactory.getWorker();
// theWorker.work();
I woudl favour having a factory like this so that you can control the creation of the worker. The factory would have something like (to give a really simple example)
private static MyWorker s_worker = new MyWorker();
public static synchronized getWorker() {
return s_worker;
Alternatively you could create the worker when that method is first called.
In the case of model 2 you naturally have a servlet into which you are going to put some code, so you can just have
private MyWorker m_worker = MyWorkerFactory.getWorker();
This will be initialised when the servlet is loaded. No need to worry about setting it to load on startup, you just know that it will be initialsed before the first request is run. Better still, use the init() method of the servlet. This is guranteed to be called before any requests are processed and is the servlet API architected place for such work.
public class EngineServlet extends HttpServlet {
private Engine engine;
// init is the "official" place for initialisation
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
engine = new Engine();
This is a pretty open ended question, and there are a huge number of possible answers depending on your requirements. The standard way to write web applications is using the Java EE platform, which means JSPs, servlets, and EJBs for the business logic. However, there are quite a few popular and valid alternatives such as Spring, Seam, GWT, and even more radical alternatives such as JRuby on Rails. It sounds like your needs are pretty straightforward so you probably want to go with a simple solution like Jetty + Servlets + JSP.
I am assuming your Engine can handle multiple simultaneous requests? If not, you may want to look at figuring out a way to queue requests, such as JMS.
Assuming this isn't a one-off application which doesn't need any kind of updating/maintenance in the future, I'd recommend you do the view layer with Apache Wicket for the following reasons (read the short infoblurb from the homepage first):