Edit each line in a file in Ruby

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-12-14 02:52

I\'m trying to find a simple way of editing each line in a file, and I\'m having some trouble understanding how to use the File class to do so.

The file

  • 2020-12-14 03:27

    File processing using code differs substantially from what we are doing when we, for example, edit the file in a text editor. File operations offered by operating systems are quite limited in that matter (due to numerous, partly historical reasons - think magnetic tapes).

    In short, you should probably create another file and write data to it (Mike provided code for that), or load entire file in memory (which can be bad idea if your file is huge) and overwrite it with processed data.

    Just for practice, here's how you could actually edit file in-place. As you can see, not the prettiest sight:

    File.open('foo', 'r+') do |file|
      write_pos = 0
      file.each do |line|
        word = line.chomp.split(',').first
        read_pos = file.pos
        file.pos = write_pos
        file.puts word
        write_pos = file.pos
        file.pos = read_pos
      file.truncate write_pos
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  • 2020-12-14 03:29

    I think you misunderstand what this line

    file.each_line { |line| line = line.split(",")[0].to_s }

    really does. It takes a line, splits it on a comma, takes the first value, turns it to a string (which it was already), assigns the result to the block-local variable 'line'. And then?
    It goes on to the next line, and nothing is done with the previous one - it's all gone. See the other answers how to remedy this.

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  • 2020-12-14 03:42

    The problem with the accepted answer is that it modifies file permissions and ownership (pay attention to that).

    Another approach is to use inplace editing inside Ruby (not from the command line):

    def inplace_edit(file, bak, &block)
        old_stdout = $stdout
        argf = ARGF.clone
        argf.argv.replace [file]
        argf.inplace_mode = bak
        argf.each_line do |line|
            yield line
        $stdout = old_stdout
    inplace_edit 'test.txt', '.bak' do |line|
        line = line.gsub(/search1/,"replace1")
        line = line.gsub(/search2/,"replace2")
        print line unless line.match(/something/)

    If you don't want to create a backup then change '.bak' to ''.

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  • 2020-12-14 03:47

    Another way to modify the file inplace is to use the -i switch

    ruby -F"," -i.bak -ane 'puts $F[0]' file
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  • 2020-12-14 03:51

    The one of the better solutions(and safest) is to create a temporary file using TempFile, and move it to the original location(using FileUtils) once you are done:

       require 'fileutils'
       require 'tempfile'
        t_file = Tempfile.new('filename_temp.txt')
        File.open("filename.txt", 'r') do |f|
          f.each_line{|line| t_file.puts line.split(",")[0].to_s }
        FileUtils.mv(t_file.path, "filename.txt")
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