I have the following controller ViewMeetingCtrl.js
(function () {
\'use strict\';
describe('ViewMeetingCtrl', function () {
var scope, meetingService;
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller, _meetingService_) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
meetingService = _meetingService_;
$controller('ViewMeetingCtrl', {
$scope: scope,
meeting : {}
it('should send cancel notices whan cancelMeeting is called', function() {
var fakeHttpPromise = {
success: function() {}
spyOn(meetingService, 'sendCancelNotices').andReturn(fakeHttpPromise);
scope.cancelMeeting('foo', 'bar');
expect(meetingService.sendCancelNotices).toHaveBeenCalledWith('bar', 'foo');
I would encourage you to stop relying of HTTP promises being returned from services. Instead, just consider the service returns a promise. Those are easier to mock, and won't force you to rewrite your controller code when you don't return HTTP promises anymore.
In your controller:
function cancelMeeting(meetingId, companyId) {
meetingService.sendCancelNotices(companyId, meetingId)
.then(function () {
In your test:
var fakePromise = $q.when();
spyOn(meetingService, 'sendCancelNotices')and.returnValue(fakePromise);
scope.cancelMeeting('foo', 'bar');
expect(meetingService.sendCancelNotices).toHaveBeenCalledWith('bar', 'foo');