Consider a Spring Data Jpa Repository:
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository {
Use default
Java 8 feature for wrapping, just like so:
// use findOneByEmail instead
User findOneByDeletedIsFalseAndEmail(String email);
default User findOneByEmail(String email) {
return findOneByDeletedIsFalseAndEmail(email);
See an example.
Now you can use Java 8 default
interface methods as @Maksim Kostromin described. But there is no such a feature in Spring.
-- Old answer
There is no such a way. You can specify any name for a method and add an annotation @Query
with parameter value which holds desired query to database like this:
@Query(value="select u from User u where u.deleted=false and")
User findOneByEmail(@Param("email")String email);
or, with native sql query:
@Query(value="SELECT * FROM users WHERE deleted=false AND email=?1", nativeQuery=true)
User findOneByEmail(String email);
You can also use names that follow the naming convention for queries since @Query
annotation will take precedence over query from method name.
@Query docs
from Spring docs:
Although getting a query derived from the method name is quite convenient, one might face the situation in which ... the method name would get unnecessarily ugly. So you can either use JPA named queries through a naming convention ... or rather annotate your query method with @Query.