this question is very similar to another post
I basically want to use the mongodb version of the sql \"like\" \'%m%\' operator
but in my situation i\'m using
In spring data mongodb, this can be done as:
Query query = new Query();
mongoOperation.find(query, Tags.class);
Document doc = new Document("name", Pattern.compile(keyword));
To make it case insensitive:
Document doc = new Document("name", Pattern.compile(keyword, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE));
Might not be the actual answer, ( Executing the terminal query directly )
public void displayDetails() {
try {
// DB db = roleDao.returnDB();
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", 5000);
DB db = mongoClient.getDB("test");
db.eval("db.test.update({'id':{'$not':{'$in':[/su/]}}},{$set:{'test':'test3'}},true,true)", new Object[] {});
System.out.println("inserted ");
} catch (Exception e) {
You need to pass an instance of a Java RegEx (java.util.regex.Pattern):
BasicDBObject q = new BasicDBObject();
q.put("name", java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(m));
This will be converted to a MongoDB regex when sent to the server, as well as any RegEx flags.
You must first quote your text and then use the compile to get a regex expression:
q.put("name", Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(m)));
Without using java.util.Pattern.quote() some characters are not escaped.
e.g. using ?
as the m
parameter will throw an exception.