Unique element ID, even if element doesn't have one

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抹茶落季 2020-12-14 00:43

I\'m writing a GreaseMonkey script where I\'m iterating through a bunch of elements. For each element, I need a string ID that I can use to reference that element later. The

  • 2020-12-14 01:03

    You can set the id attribute to a computed value. There is a function in the prototype library that can do this for you.


    My favorite javascript library is jQuery. Unfortunately jQuery does not have a function like identify. However, you can still set the id attribute to a value that you generate on your own.


    Here is a partial snippet from jQuery docs that sets id for divs based on the position in the page:

        $("div").attr("id", function (arr) {
              return "div-id" + arr;
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  • 2020-12-14 01:04

    In javascript, you could attach a custom ID field to the node

    if(node.id) {
      node.myId = node.id;
    } else {
      node.myId = createId();
    // store myId

    It's a bit of hack, but it'll give each and every node an id you can use. Of course, document.getElementById() won't pay attention to it.

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  • 2020-12-14 01:05

    You can generate a stable, unique identifier for any given node in a DOM with the following function:

    function getUniqueKeyForNode (targetNode) {
        const pieces = ['doc'];
        let node = targetNode;
        while (node && node.parentNode) {
            pieces.push(Array.prototype.indexOf.call(node.parentNode.childNodes, node));
            node = node.parentNode
        return pieces.reverse().join('/');

    This will create identifiers such as doc/0, doc/0/0, doc/0/1, doc/0/1/0, doc/0/1/1 for a structure like this one:

        <div />
            <div />
            <div />

    There are also a few optimisations and changes you can make, for example:

    • In the while loop, break when that node has an attribute you know to be unique, for example @id

    • Not reverse() the pieces, currently it is just there to look more like the DOM structure the ID's are generated from

    • Not include the first piece doc if you don't need an identifier for the document node

    • Save the identifier on the node in some way, and reuse that value for child nodes to avoid having to traverse all the way up the tree again.

    • If you're writing these identifiers back to XML, use another concatenation character if the attribute you're writing is restricted.

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  • 2020-12-14 01:08

    If you're not modifying the DOM you can get them all by indexed order:

    (Prototype example)

    myNodes = document.body.descendants()

    You could loop through all of the nodes and give them a unique className that you could later select easily.

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  • 2020-12-14 01:08

    Use mouse and/or positional properties of the element to generate a unique ID.

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  • 2020-12-14 01:09

    You can also use pguid (page-unique identifier) for unique identifier generation:

     pguid = b9j.pguid.next() // A unique id (suitable for a DOM element)
                              // is generated
                              // Something like "b9j-pguid-20a9ff-0"
     pguid = b9j.pguid.next() // Another unique one... "b9j-pguid-20a9ff-1"
     // Build a custom generator
     var sequence = new b9j.pguid.Sequence({ namespace: "frobozz" })
     pguid = sequence.next() "frobozz-c861e1-0"


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