How can I set the focus on a Html element in Elm? I tried to set the autofocus attribute on the element and it only sets the focus on the page load.
I spent quite a bit of time exploring this recently. Unfortunately, I don't think it is possible with the existing elm-html
library. However, I came up with a hack that utilizes css animations to trigger an event and embed that in pure js.
Here is my hack in Elm using a script
node and a style
node. It is very ugly in my opinion.
import Html exposing (div, button, text, input, node)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Html.Attributes exposing (type', class)
import StartApp.Simple
main =
StartApp.Simple.start { model = model, view = view, update = update }
model = []
view address model =
-- View now starts with a <style> and <script> (hacky)
(node "style" [] [ Html.text style ]) ::
(node "script" [] [Html.text script ]) ::
(button [ onClick address AddInput ] [ text "Add Input" ]) ::
model |>
div []
type Action = AddInput
update action model =
case action of
AddInput -> (Html.p [] [input [type' "text", class "focus"] []]) :: model
-- Use pure string css (hacky)
style = """
.focus {
animation-name: set-focus;
animation-duration: 0.001s;
-webkit-animation-name: set-focus;
-webkit-animation-duration: 0.001s;
@-webkit-keyframes set-focus {
0% {color: #fff}
@keyframes set-focus {
0% {color: #fff}
-- Cheating by embedding pure javascript... (hacky)
script = """
var insertListener = function(event){
if (event.animationName == "set-focus") {;
document.addEventListener("animationstart", insertListener, false); // standard + firefox
document.addEventListener("MSAnimationStart", insertListener, false); // IE
document.addEventListener("webkitAnimationStart", insertListener, false); // Chrome + Safari
In Elm 0.19, use Browser.Dom.focus:
import Browser.Dom as Dom
import Task
type Msg
= NoOp
focusSearchBox : Cmd Msg
focusSearchBox =
Task.attempt (\_ -> NoOp) (Dom.focus "search-box")
You can choose to ignore if focusing fails like above or do something by triggering an update message.
With elm/html 0.19 you can set the Html.Attrbutes autofocus to True
input [ onInput Code, autofocus True ] []
A workaround for this is to use Mutation Observers. Insert this JavaScript either in your main HTML page or in the main view of your Elm code:
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
var target = document.querySelector('body > div');
var config = { childList: true, subtree: true };
observer.observe(target, config);
function handleAutofocus(nodeList) {
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {
var node = nodeList[i];
if (node instanceof Element && node.hasAttribute('data-autofocus')) {
} else {
Then create HTML elements by including Html.Attributes.attribute "data-autofocus" ""
The focus
function in the elm-lang/dom package is used to set focus with a Task
(without using any port
s or JavaScript).
Internally it uses requestAnimationFrame to ensure any new DOM updates are rendered before it tries to find the DOM node to focus on.
An example use:
type Msg
= FocusOn String
| FocusResult (Result Dom.Error ())
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
FocusOn id ->
( model, Dom.focus id |> Task.attempt FocusResult )
FocusResult result ->
-- handle success or failure here
case result of
Err (Dom.NotFound id) ->
-- unable to find dom 'id'
Ok () ->
-- successfully focus the dom
Full example on Ellie