I just started working on a new project and I can\'t set the build action to Debug/Release. This is a huge problem!
I have another solution on my system that, when o
The right solution is to:
You should see the solution configuration drop-down will be enabled
From a Google search
Tools | Customize from the menu.
In the Build section, drag the "Solution Configuration" item from the list
on the right to the build toolbar. You might also want to drag the "Platform
Configuration" item as well. The Configuration Manager itself is available
from the drop-down list of either of those controls. Also check
Tools|Customize|Toolbars to make sure that the Build toolbar is visible.
(from http://www.gregcons.com/KateBlog/HowDoIMakeADebugBuild.aspx, which includes screenshots)
bring up Tools, Options, and go to the General section under Projects and Solutions. Find "Show advanced build configurations" and check it.