In hibernate I can do following
Query q = session.createQuery(\"from Employee as e);
List emps = q.list();
Now if I want to
You should use a new object to hold these values, just like this:
"SELECT NEW EmpMenu(, "
+ "FROM Project p JOIN p.students e " + "WHERE = :project "
+ "ORDER BY").setParameter("project", projectName).getResultList()
I've got this example from
Without iterators:
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public List<Employee> findByDepartment(long departmentId){
SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT {emp.*} " +
" FROM employee emp " +
+"WHERE emp.department_id = :departement_id");
query.setLong("department_id", departmentId);
query.addEntity("emp", Employee.class);
return (List<Employee>) = query.list();
Query qry=session.createQuery("select e.employeeId,e.employeeName from Employee e where e.deptNumber=:p1");
List l2=qry.list();
Iterator itr=l2.iterator();
Object a[]=(Object[]);
This is fine. Only thing you need to understand is that it will return list of Object []
as below:
Query q = session.createQuery("select, e.firstName from Employee e");
List<Object[]> employees= (List<Object[]>)q.list();
for(Object[] employee: employees){
Integer id = (Integer)employee[0];
String firstName = (String)employee[1];
List<Object[]> is the structure.
So you get each element like this:
List ans = q.list();
for(Object[] array : ans) {
String firstName = (String) array[0];
Integer id = (Integer) array[1];
You will get a list of arrays of Object
s (each one with two elements)
List< Object[] > employees = q.list();
for ( Object[] employee : employees ) {
// employee[0] will contain the first name
// employee[1] will contail the ID