I have just upgraded to Kafka 1.0 and zookeeper 3.4.10.At first, it all started fine. Stand - alone producer and consumer worked as expected. After I\'ve ran my code for abo
Just clean the logs in C:\Kafka\kafka_2.12-1.0.0\kafka-logs
and restart kafka
reinstall zookeeper can resolve this problem.
If at all, you are trying to execute in Windows machine, try changing path in windows way for parameter log.dirs
(like log.dirs=C:\some_path\some_path_kafLogs
) in server.properties
in /config
By default, this path will be in unix way (like /unix/path/
This worked for me in Windows machine.
So this seems to be a windows issue.
The JIRA is resolved, and there is an unmerged patch attached to it.
so your options are:
I've tried all the solutions like
) folder named C:\kafka_2.12-2.1.1\kafka_2.12-2.1.1datakafka
was created and the issue did stop and the issue was resolved.Finally I found this link, you'll get it if you google kafka log.dirs windows
Ran into this issue as well, and only clearing the kafka-logs did not work. You'll also have to clear zookeeper.
Steps to resolve:
Take a look at your server.properties file and locate the logs directory under the following entry.
Delete the log directory and its contents. Kafka will recreate the directory once it's started again.
Take a look at the zookeeper.properties file and locate the data directory under the following entry.
Delete the data directory and its contents. Zookeeper will recreate the directory once it's started again.
Start zookeeper.
<KAFKA_HOME>bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon <KAFKA_HOME>config/zookeeper.properties
Start the kakfa broker.
<KAFKA_HOME>bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon <KAFKA_HOME>config/server.properties
Verify the broker has started with no issues by looking at the logs/kafkaServer.out log file.