I want to solve a set of equations, linear, or sometimes quadratic. I don\'t have a specific problem, but often, I have been in this situation often.
It is simple to
Try applying Bisection method in py to find the root given an interval:
def f(x, rhs): # f(x) = e^x
return math.e ** x - rhs # e^x = rhs -> e^x - rhs = 0
def solve(rhs, a = 0, b = 100, tol = 1e-3):
while True:
c = (a + b) / 2.0
if(f(a, rhs) * f(c, rhs) > 0):
a = c
b = c
if(abs(f(c, rhs)) < tol):
return c
y = math.e ** 3.75 # x = 3.75
print(solve(y)) # 3.7499..
You discount the best answer as unacceptable.
Your question is "I want a free Computer Algebra System that I can use in Python."
The answer is "SAGE does that."
Have you looked at maxima/macsyma? SAGE provides bindings for it, and that's one of the more powerful free ones.
I'd use Octave for this but I agree, the syntax of Octave isn't what I'd call thrilling (and the docs always confuse me more than they help, too).
I have just started using GNU Scientific Library, which however is C library. Looks like there are Python bindings too. So, it might be worth looking at.
Here is how to solve your original question using Python (via Sage). This basically clarifies the remark Paul McMillan makes above.
sage: a,b,c = var('a,b,c')
sage: solve([a+b+c==1000, a^2+b^2==c^2], a,b,c)
[[a == 1000*(r1 + sqrt(r1^2 + 2000*r1 - 1000000))/(r1 + sqrt(r1^2 + 2000*r1 - 1000000) + 1000), b == -1/2*r1 - 1/2*sqrt(r1^2 + 2000*r1 - 1000000) + 500, c == r1], [a == 1000*(r2 - sqrt(r2^2 + 2000*r2 - 1000000))/(r2 - sqrt(r2^2 + 2000*r2 - 1000000) + 1000), b == -1/2*r2 + 1/2*sqrt(r2^2 + 2000*r2 - 1000000) + 500, c == r2]]
Have you looked at SciPy?
It has an example in the tutorials on solving linear algebra: