So I\'m new to JUnit, and we have to use it for a homework assignment. Our professor gave us a project that has one test class,
. When I right clic
The best way to resolve this issue is to put public Access modifier for your Junit Test Case class name and then run the scenario by right click on your Junit test case class and run as Junit Test.
The solution was, after making a backup of the src/test folder, removing it from the filesystem, then creating it again.
That's after I did the "Remove from build path" hint and it screwed the folders when opening the project in STS 4.
I had this problem too with JUnit 5.4.2. I use Eclipse 2019-09 with gradle 5.3.1.
So I had to add this two dependencies to build.gradle file with right configuration for it (testImplementation and testRuntimeOnly):
apply plugin: "java"
//enabled the Gradle’s native JUnit 5 support
test {
testImplementation group: "org.junit.jupiter", name: "junit-jupiter-api", version: "${junitVer}"
testRuntimeOnly group: 'org.junit.jupiter', name: 'junit-jupiter-engine', version: "${junitVer}"