Should I use an empty property key?

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名媛妹妹 2020-12-13 08:18

I\'ve tested this only in Firefox, but apparently you can use an empty string as a key to a property in an object. For example, see the first property here:


  • 2020-12-13 08:51

    I think it's ok. "" has semantics in your application, and its valid javascript. So have at it.

    Note that

    x."" = 2;

    will error out, so you need to use syntax like

    x[""] = 2;

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  • 2020-12-13 08:52

    Is "unknown status" a null value or is your status field "not null"?

    In the first case I'd say you will have to use a separate counter, in the second I'd say that "empty" is a perfectly valid status - just use the word "unknown" for output instead of "". This might only lead to confusion when your user uses the same word as a status type, but to prevent that you only can use a different visual style for "unknown status" output text.

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  • 2020-12-13 08:59

    An object's key must be a string, and the empty string ('') is a string. There is no cross browser issue that I've ever come across with empty strings, although there have been very few occasions where I thought it was acceptable to use an empty string as a key name.

    I would discourage the general usage of '' as a key, but for a simple lookup, it'll work just fine, and sounds reasonable. It's a good place to add a comment noting the exceptional circumstance.

    Additionally, during lookup you may have issues with values that are cast to a string:

    o = {...} //some object
    foo = 'bar';
    //some examples
    o[foo] //will return o['bar']
    o[null] //will return o['null']
    o[undefined] //will return o['undefined']

    If you'd like to have null and undefined use the '' key, you may need to use a fallback:

    key = key || '';

    If you might have non-string values passed in, it's important to cast too:

    key = key || '';
    key = '' + key;

    note that a value of 0 will turn into '', whereas a value of '0' will stay '0'.

    In most cases, I find I'm picking a pre-defined value out of a hashtable object. To check that the value exists on the object there are a number of options:

    //will be falsey if the value is falsey
    if (o[key]) {...}
    //will return true for properties on the object as well as in the prototype hierarchy
    if (key in o) {...}
    //returns true only for properties on the object instance
    if (o.hasOwnProperty(key)) {...}
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  • 2020-12-13 09:04

    The problem is that since the statuses are user-defineable there is nothing stoping the user from also using the empty string as a status, thus ruining your logic. From this point of view what you are doing is no different then just using an ugly custom name like __$$unknown_status. (Well, I'd say the ugly custom name is more descriptive but to each its own...)

    If you want to be really sure the "unknown" property does not collide you need to keep it separate:

    var counts = {
        unknownStatus: 23,
        byStatus: {
            "": 17, //actual status with no name, (if this makes sense)
            "started": 45,
            "draft": 3,
            "accepted": 23,
            "hold": 2345,
            "fixed": 2,
            "published": 345
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  • 2020-12-13 09:06

    Technically, there is nothing wrong and you can savely use it on any js engine (that I'm aware of). Since ECMAscripts spec says any object key is a string, it of course can also be an empty string.

    The only caveat is, that you'll never be able to access that property with the dot notation


    will lead to a syntax error of course, so it always needs to be


    That much about the technical part. If we talk about the convinient part, I'd vote for a very clear no, never use it.

    It'll lead to confusion and as we all know, confusion is the enemy.

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