I know the easiest way is using a regular expression, but I wonder if there are other ways to do this check.
Why do I need this? I am writing a Python script that re
Simple solution in case you need a pattern to validate prefixed hex or binary along with decimal
Sample: https://regex101.com/r/cN4yW7/14
Then doing int('0x00480065006C006C006F00200077006F0072006C00640021', 0)
in python gives
The base 0 invokes prefix guessing behaviour. This has saved me a lot of hassle. Hope it helps!
One more simple and short solution based on transformation of string to set and checking for subset (doesn't check for '0x' prefix):
import string
def is_hex_str(s):
return set(s).issubset(string.hexdigits)
More information here.
This will cover the case if the string starts with '0x' or '0X': [0x|0X][0-9a-fA-F]
all(c in 'xX' + string.hexdigits for c in d)
In Python3, I tried:
def is_hex(s):
return ''.join([i for i in tmp if i.isprintable()])
except ValueError:
return ''
It should be better than the way: int(x, 16)
Most of the solutions proposed above do not take into account that any decimal integer may be also decoded as hex because decimal digits set is a subset of hex digits set. So Python will happily take 123
and assume it's 0123
>>> int('123',16)
This may sound obvious but in most cases you'll be looking for something that was actually hex-encoded, e.g. a hash and not anything that can be hex-decoded. So probably a more robust solution should also check for an even length of the hex string:
In [1]: def is_hex(s):
...: try:
...: int(s, 16)
...: except ValueError:
...: return False
...: return len(s) % 2 == 0
In [2]: is_hex('123')
Out[2]: False
In [3]: is_hex('f123')
Out[3]: True
Another option:
def is_hex(s):
hex_digits = set("0123456789abcdef")
for char in s:
if not (char in hex_digits):
return False
return True