Automatically insert a matching brace in Vim

前端 未结 18 2394
醉梦人生 2020-12-13 05:23

I spend way too much time fumbling around because Vim doesn\'t handle closing braces like most IDEs do. Here\'s what I want to happen:

Type this:


  • 2020-12-13 06:15

    Here is what I have in my vimrc:

    let s:pairs={
                \'<': '>',
                \'{': '}',
                \'[': ']',
                \'(': ')',
                \'«': '»',
                \'„': '“',
                \'“': '”',
                \'‘': '’',
    call map(copy(s:pairs), 'extend(s:pairs, {v:val : v:key}, "keep")')
    function! InsertPair(left, ...)
        let rlist=reverse(map(split(a:left, '\zs'), 'get(s:pairs, v:val, v:val)'))
        let opts=get(a:000, 0, {})
        let start   = get(opts, 'start',   '')
        let lmiddle = get(opts, 'lmiddle', '')
        let rmiddle = get(opts, 'rmiddle', '')
        let end     = get(opts, 'end',     '')
        let prefix  = get(opts, 'prefix',  '')
        let start.=prefix
        let rmiddle.=prefix
        let left=start.a:left.lmiddle
        let right=rmiddle.join(rlist, '').end
        let moves=repeat("\<Left>", len(split(right, '\zs')))
        return left.right.moves
     noremap! <expr> ,f   InsertPair('{')
     noremap! <expr> ,h   InsertPair('[')
     noremap! <expr> ,s   InsertPair('(')
     noremap! <expr> ,u   InsertPair('<')

    And, for some filetypes:

    inoremap {<CR> {<C-o>o}<C-o>O

    // I know that InsertPair function is trivial, but it saves time because with it I can define both command and normal mode mappings with one command without having to write lots of <Left>s.

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  • 2020-12-13 06:15

    Vim patch 7.4.849 added a binding to allow for cursor movements without restarting the undo sequence. Once updated to >= 7.4.849 then something like this works great.

    inoremap ( ()<C-G>U<Left>

    Note that I grabbed that straight from the documentation included in the patch. Best simple solution for this feature yet.

    • commit for patch 7.4.849:
    • mailing list thread:
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-13 06:18
    inoremap ( ()<ESC>i
    inoremap " ""<ESC>i
    inoremap ' ''<ESC>i
    inoremap { {<Cr>}<Esc>O
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-13 06:18

    Install and use Vim script AutoClose as recommended in the article titled Automatically append closing characters.

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  • 2020-12-13 06:19

    Just a note to @Bob.

    Karl Guertin's AutoClose has a function named ``double brace'', that is, you can type curly brace twice, as below.

    int func_name(void) {{ ==> Type `{' twice here.

    would result in:

    int func_name(void) {
    | ==> Cursor here.

    Then, you can type a single Tab, to get indented according to your `shiftwidth' setting, then type.

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  • 2020-12-13 06:21

    If you type {} and hit alti you will be in between the braces in INSERT mode (at least in a terminal). Then you can hit ENTER followed by altshifto to insert the line break. You could also just do {<CR>} and altshifto.

    This may not be fully automatic, but I consider it semi-auto. It removes the need for more plugins, and is useful info to know for other use cases. For example, I use altshifto all the time to insert blank lines without having to explicitly leave INSERT mode, and alti for getting inside () etc.

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