D3 has a variety of layouts for directed graphs that are strict trees, such as the following:
/ \\
I need to draw a hierar
You could create your own code without having to rely on a D3 layout in order to get it done.
I've provided an example in a jsFiddle. The example is pretty simplistic and would need to be worked a little bit to accommodate more complex examples.
The example could be re-worked to process hierarchical data as well with relatively little effort.
Here is the code I have used in the jsFiddle:
// Sample data set
var json = {
nodes: [{
name: 'A'},
name: 'B'},
name: 'C'},
name: 'D'}],
links: [{
source: 'A',
target: 'B'},
source: 'A',
target: 'C'},
source: 'B',
target: 'D'},
source: 'C',
target: 'D'}
var vis = d3.select('#vis').attr('transform', 'translate(20, 20)');
// Build initial link elements - Build first so they are under the nodes
var links = vis.selectAll('line.link').data(json.links);
links.enter().append('line').attr('class', 'link').attr('stroke', '#000');
// Build initial node elements
var nodes = vis.selectAll('g.node').data(json.nodes);
nodes.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'node').append('circle').attr('r', 10).append('title').text(function(d) {
return d.name;
// Store nodes in a hash by name
var nodesByName = {};
nodes.each(function(d) {
nodesByName[d.name] = d;
// Convert link references to objects
links.each(function(link) {
link.source = nodesByName[link.source];
link.target = nodesByName[link.target];
if (!link.source.links) {
link.source.links = [];
if (!link.target.links) {
link.target.links = [];
// Compute positions based on distance from root
var setPosition = function(node, i, depth) {
if (!depth) {
depth = 0;
if (!node.x) {
node.x = (i + 1) * 40;
node.y = (depth + 1) * 40;
if (depth <= 1) {
node.links.each(function(d, i2) {
setPosition(d, i2, depth + 1);
// Update inserted elements with computed positions
nodes.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' + d.x + ', ' + d.y + ')';
links.attr('x1', function(d) {
return d.source.x;
}).attr('y1', function(d) {
return d.source.y;
}).attr('x2', function(d) {
return d.target.x;
}).attr('y2', function(d) {
return d.target.y;
As this example: "Force Directed Trees" illustrates there is a trick that often works. In the example the force direction's behavior is adjusted on each tick so that nodes drift slightly up or down depending on the direction of the links. As shown this will do a fine job for trees, but I've found it also works tolerable well for acyclic graphs. No promises, but it may help.
I was able to do this using a combination of Dagre(https://github.com/dagrejs/dagre) and cytoscape
There's a library called Dagre-D3 that you can use as a renderer for this library so it looks like the D3 solution you want.
Check out this fiddle to see the basic implementation with Dagre and Cytoscape: https://jsfiddle.net/KateJean/xweudjvm/
var cy = cytoscape({
container: document.getElementById('cy'),
elements: {
nodes: [
{ data: { id: '1' } },
{ data: { id: '2' } },
{ data: { id: '3' } },
{ data: { id: '4' } },
{ data: { id: '5' } },
{ data: { id: '6' } },
{ data: { id: '7' } },
{ data: { id: '8' } },
{ data: { id: '9' } },
{ data: { id: '10' } },
{ data: { id: '11' } },
{ data: { id: '12' } },
{ data: { id: '13' } },
{ data: { id: '14' } },
{ data: { id: '15' } },
{ data: { id: '16' } },
{ data: { id: '17' } },
{ data: { id: '18' } }
edges: [
{ data: { source: '1', target: '2' } },
{ data: { source: '1', target: '3' } },
{ data: { source: '2', target: '4' } },
{ data: { source: '4', target: '5' } },
{ data: { source: '4', target: '6' } },
{ data: { source: '5', target: '6' } },
{ data: { source: '5', target: '7' } },
{ data: { source: '7', target: '8' } },
{ data: { source: '3', target: '9' } },
{ data: { source: '3', target: '10' } },
{ data: { source: '10', target: '11' } },
{ data: { source: '11', target: '12' } },
{ data: { source: '12', target: '13' } },
{ data: { source: '12', target: '14' } },
{ data: { source: '14', target: '15' } },
{ data: { source: '15', target: '16' } },
{ data: { source: '16', target: '17' } },
{ data: { source: '16', target: '18' } }
layout: {
name: "dagre",
rankDir: 'TB' //love this. you can quickly change the orientation here from LR(left to right) TB (top to bottom), RL, BT. Great dropdown option for users here.
style: [{
selector: 'node',
style: {
'label': 'data(id)',
'width': '30%',
'font-size': '20px',
'text-valign': 'center',
'shape': 'circle',
'background-color': 'rgba(113,158,252,1)',
'border': '2px grey #ccc'
}, {
selector: 'edge',
style: {
'width': 2,
'line-color': '#ccc',
'target-arrow-color': '#ccc',
'target-arrow-shape': 'triangle'
Speaking generally of trees and the data hierarchy, you just need to have "D" in the children list for both B and C.
Creating your node list, make sure you have a unique id returned so that "D" doesn't appear twice.
vis.selectAll("g.node").data(nodes, function(d) { return d.id; });
Then when you call
var links = tree.links(nodes)
you should get D appearing as the "target" twice (with B and C as the "source" respectively) which results in two lines to the single node "D".