I configured nginx as reverse proxy to my node.js application for file uploads with proxy_pass directive. It works, but my problem is that nginx waits for the whole file bod
Tengine (a fork from nginx) support unbuffered upload by setting proxy_request_buffering to off.
Updated: in nginx 1.7.11 the proxy_request_buffering directive is available, as @Maxim Dounin mentioned above
I suspect that:
proxy_buffering off;
is what you need, see http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html#proxy_buffering
There is no way to (at least as of now). Full request will be always buffered before nginx will start sending it to an upstream. To track uploaded files you may try upload progress module.
Update: in nginx 1.7.11 the proxy_request_buffering directive is available, which allows to disable buffering of a request body. It should be used with care though, see docs.