In Selenium 2.0, I have no idea how to traverse through a HTML table in a webpage. In selenium2.0 javadoc, I found two classes \"TableFinder\" and \"TableCellFinder\", but
$content = '';
for($rowth=0; $rowth<=100; $rowth++){
$content .= $selenium->getTable("tblReports.{$rowth}.0") . "\n";
//$content .= $selenium->getTable("tblReports.{$rowth}.1") . "\n";
$content .= $selenium->getTable("tblReports.{$rowth}.2") . " ";
$content .= $selenium->getTable("tblReports.{$rowth}.3") . " ";
$content .= $selenium->getTable("tblReports.{$rowth}.4") . " ";
$content .= $selenium->getTable("tblReports.{$rowth}.5") . " ";
$content .= $selenium->getTable("tblReports.{$rowth}.6") . "\n";
Another C# example. I just made an extension method for it.
public static string GetCellFromTable(this IWebElement table, int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
return table.FindElements(By.XPath("./tbody/tr"))[rowIndex].FindElements(By.XPath("./td"))[columnIndex].Text;
Here's a C# example I just cooked up, loosely based on the answer using CSS selectors, hopefully of use to others for seeing how to setup a ReadOnlyCollection
of table rows and iterate over it in MS land at least. I'm looking through a collection of table rows to find a row with an OriginatorsRef
(just a string) and a TD
with an image that contains a title attribute with Overdue by
in it:
public ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> GetTableRows()
this.iwebElement = GetElement();
return this.iwebElement.FindElements(By.CssSelector("tbody tr"));
And within my main code:
ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> TableRows;
TableRows = f.Grid_Fault.GetTableRows();
foreach (IWebElement row in TableRows)
if (row.Text.Contains(CustomTestContext.Current.OriginatorsRef) &&
row.FindElements(By.CssSelector("td img[title*='Overdue by']")).Count > 0)
return true;
I have not used Selenium 2. Selenium 1.x has selenium.getTable("tablename".columnNumber.rowNumber)
to reach the required cell. May be you can use webdriverbackedselenium
and do this.
And you can get the total rows and columns by using
int numOfRows = selenium.getXpathCount("//table[@id='tableid']//tr")
int numOfCols=selenium.getXpathCount("//table[@id='tableid']//tr//td")
Thanks for the earlier reply.
I figured out the solutions using selenium 2.0 classes.
import java.util.List;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
public class WebTableExample
public static void main(String[] args)
WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
WebElement table_element = driver.findElement("testTable"));
List<WebElement> tr_collection=table_element.findElements(By.xpath("id('testTable')/tbody/tr"));
System.out.println("NUMBER OF ROWS IN THIS TABLE = "+tr_collection.size());
int row_num,col_num;
for(WebElement trElement : tr_collection)
List<WebElement> td_collection=trElement.findElements(By.xpath("td"));
System.out.println("NUMBER OF COLUMNS="+td_collection.size());
for(WebElement tdElement : td_collection)
System.out.println("row # "+row_num+", col # "+col_num+ "text="+tdElement.getText());