Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 - No IIS Express Response While Debugging

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无人及你 2020-12-13 02:55

I have an error in my code development environment. I can\'t solve it and I can\'t work properly rightnow.

I\'m working with \"Visual

  • 2020-12-13 03:22

    I faced this problem also. I think it's a BUG of VS2015 or something related.

    I found a ugly solution: KILL the sub-process. use Process Explorer from SysInternals Suite 1. Right click the node of iisexpress.exe 2. select "Kill process tree" 3. F5 works.

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  • 2020-12-13 03:25

    Maybe this is already not important but I faced the same issue and tried to solve for 3 days.

    Finally, uninstalling and re-installing the IIS Express 10 solved the issue.

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  • 2020-12-13 03:26

    I've got the same during use MvcSiteMapProvider 4.6.22.

    How to repeat:

    1. I used VS 2015 SP3 and created ASP.NET MVC 5 Application.
    2. Then I added via NuGet package manager MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC5 (version 4.6.22). The manager added 4 packages:
      • MvcSiteMapProvider.Web (v4.6.1)
      • WebActivatorEx. (v2.0.1)
      • MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC5.Core (v4.6.22)
      • MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC5 (v4.6.22)

    I got "IIS hanging" after start debug of this solution. But next time the solution started fine and IIS hung only after few restarts of debug.

    May be you should revise your referenced assemblies in your project?

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  • 2020-12-13 03:28

    The issue seems similar to the one I am experiencing in an ASP.NET MVC app. SignalR v2.2.0 was the culprit in my case and the temporary easy fix that worked for me was to replace app.MapSignalR(); in my Startup class with this:

     var task=Task.Run(()=>app.MapSignalR());
     if (task.IsCanceled)
         Task.Run(() => app.MapSignalR()).Wait(300);

    This solution was provided by JonasSyrstad on this SignalR issue thread, along with other useful info:

    Apparently, the problem is not specific to SignalR. You can find more details in Kaspars Ozols' answer on another thread:

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  • 2020-12-13 03:32

    In my system the problem seems to be solved. I updates the following items by "Tools/Extensions and Updates ..." menu of Visual Studio 2015:

    1. Microsoft ASP Net Web Framework And Tools (Version 5.2.40204.0).
    2. Microsoft ASP Net Web Tools (Version 14.201.20203.0).
    3. Web Essentials 2015.1 (Version 1.0.207).

    I think the problem was solved by update N. 2, but for completeness I reported all items updated.

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  • 2020-12-13 03:35

    I am not allowed to add a comment, as I do not have a rep of 50+ but I did want to chime in and say, I was experiencing this as well from work on Wednesday. I upgraded to VS 2015 Enterprise from VS 2015 Pro. Worked on the same solution/projects I do everyday and boom..

    Run project in debug mode and symptoms: the pages stall on load to browser

    I set breakpoints in the code -- Controller and in the Razor View to see all the way up until the page is finished on the "server side".

    The breakpoints are hit in normal fashion, but the response never seems to make it to the browser.

    All I can say, is it seems very similar to Lost_In_Library's issue.

    Attempted but persists: /ResetUserData and /ResetSettings

    Hope this helps in some way. I'd also like to point out, I have one non default use case, after resetting VS, I have to config for IIS express 64 bit, that is only non default setting I have configured.

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