I would like to let my users create Ruby scripts that do computation on some data residing on the web server and then outputs results. The scripts are executed on the server
You can use a "blank slate" as a clean room, and a sandbox in which to set the safe level to 4.
A blank slate an object you've stripped all the methods from:
class BlankSlate
instance_methods.each do |name|
class_eval do
unless name =~ /^__|^instance_eval$|^binding$|^object_id$/
undef_method name
A clean room is an object in which context you evaluate other code:
clean_room = BlankSlate.new
Read a command from an untrusted source, then untaint it. Unless untainted, Ruby will refuse to eval the string in a sandbox.
command = gets
Now execute the string in a sandbox, cranking the safe level up as high as it will go. The $SAFE level will go back to normal when the proc ends. We execute the command in the context of the clean room's binding, so that it can only see the methods and variables that the clean room can see (remember, though, that like any object, the clean room can see anything in global scape).
result = proc do
$SAFE = 4
clean_room.instance_eval do
print the result:
p result