How do I reset a Heroku git repository to its initial state?

前端 未结 2 1043
北海茫月 2020-12-13 01:03

I have got a web application within a git repository. Due to historic reasons the web application is not at the root of the repository, it is within a folder called we

  • 2020-12-13 01:36

    You can nest git commands to execute force push.

    For your case the command will be:

    git push heroku `git subtree split --prefix website master`:master --force
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-13 01:37

    For those coming here from Yeoman's (lacking) deployment guide, there's a much, much better and easier solution developed by X1011 and I urge you all to make your lives easier and use it!

    In contrast to the already issue-prone subtree method, this script actually retains your development commit delta history on your dist/build/release branch - and, you don't even need to track the dist folder in your development branches.

    The setup process might look intimidating, but trust me, it's not. It took me less than 10 minutes to set up and it just worked as promised on the first run, even on a Windows machine.

    If you'd like to automate it with Grunt, it is pretty easy. That's how I did it:

    1. First download X1011's to your main project folder.
    2. Follow the short configuration and setup guide.
    3. Install grunt-shell with node through this command: npm install grunt-shell --save-dev (--save-dev will add grunt-shell to your project's dev dependencies, in case you didn't already know). You may also use grunt-exec, they basically do the same thing, AFAIK.
    4. In Gruntfile.js, add the following object to initConfig:

    Add to initConfig object

        shell: {
            deployverbose: {
              command: 'sh -v',
              options: {
                  stdout: true,
                  stderr: true
            deploy: {
              command: 'sh',
              options: {
                  stdout: true,
                  stderr: true

    5 . Register a new task, or add it to your existing build task (make sure you you declare the target parameter):

    Add to existing build task as grunt build:deploy

    if (target && target.indexOf('deploy') > -1) {

    Standalone task grunt deploy, also allows the --verbose flag:

    grunt.registerTask('deploy', 'standalone deploy command', function () {
      if (grunt.option.flags().indexOf('--verbose') > -1) {'shell:deployverbose');
      } else {'shell:deploy');
    0 讨论(0)