Android Studio wireless ADB error (10061)

前端 未结 27 1384
一生所求 2020-12-13 00:46

It seems that wireless ADB has more and more issues each time I update Android Studio. Using 2.1.1, I\'m now unable to connect to my tablet using the command:

  • 2020-12-13 01:26

    I had the same issue. It was working perfectly for a month, and then one day it stopped working. I tried all the solutions above, but to no avail. Then, I noticed that for some reason, the IP address of my phone had changed, ending with the number 1 instead of 0. So I connected to the new address with 1 as the last digit in the address and now it works again. Weird.

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  • 2020-12-13 01:28

    when restart device then your port also channge so hit command below

    1- adb kill-server

    2- adb tcpip 5555

    3- adb connect (your device ip):5555

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  • 2020-12-13 01:28

    I assume you already solved the problem by now. but here is the way to avoid the problem if you are using multiple devices. I used to have the same issue so many times until I understand, how it works. I was also trying to connect multiple devices one after another or trying to connect the same device after a while.

    Always make sure to disconnect the older device before you connect the new device:

    adb disconnect

    after that, you will be easily able to connect new device:

     adb tcpip 5555
     adb connect <your_device_ip>

    you can always try to ping the device using the ping command, if the ping is not getting acknowledgment then you must have connected to different wifi then your laptop or you haven't connected to wifi at all:

    ping <your_device_ip>
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  • 2020-12-13 01:28

    So I came here because I want to adb shell into my physical Android phone over the network. Lots of useful answers are provided, but the most obvious fact is never stated. Here is the #0 fact:

    • The Android phone should ALWAYS be connected via USB to the laptop
    • And then another different laptop will do adb connect ...

    This was not what I had in mind and all the above answers never mentioned it.

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  • 2020-12-13 01:28

    I had a problem with my Huawei. For some reason I had wrong drivers, on Device Manager it was showed like "Android Phone". Then, I updated the drivers from Device Manager, I choose another driver and now it is showed as "Huawei" device.

    From there I connected my device whitout problem (adb connect IP:5555)

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  • 2020-12-13 01:29

    In my case I played with my device long enough to somehow mess up adb deamon, so port number was not set up correctly anymore.

    getprop service.adb.tcp.port returned empty string.

    So I solved this with following commands:

    stop adbd
    setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
    start adbd

    I ran all commands on rooted device in app that emulates command prompt.

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