In one of my Java projects I am plagued by code repetition due to the way Java handles (not) primitives. After having to manually copy the same change to four different loca
I'd agree with previous answers/comments that say there isn't a way to do exactly what you want "using the standard JDK feature set." Thus, you are going to have to do some code generation, although it won't necessarily require changes to the build system. Since you ask:
... If not, what would it take to build one?
... For a simple case, not too much, I think. Suppose I put my primitive operations in a util class:
public class NumberUtils {
// @PrimitiveMethodsStart
/** Find maximum of int inputs */
public static int max(int a, int b) {
return (a > b) ? a : b;
/** Sum the int inputs */
public static int sum(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
// @PrimitiveMethodsEnd
// @GeneratedPrimitiveMethodsStart - Do not edit below
// @GeneratedPrimitiveMethodsEnd
Then I can write a simple processor in less than 30 lines as follows:
public class PrimitiveMethodProcessor {
private static final String PRIMITIVE_METHODS_START = "@PrimitiveMethodsStart";
private static final String PRIMITIVE_METHODS_END = "@PrimitiveMethodsEnd";
private static final String GENERATED_PRIMITIVE_METHODS_START = "@GeneratedPrimitiveMethodsStart";
private static final String GENERATED_PRIMITIVE_METHODS_END = "@GeneratedPrimitiveMethodsEnd";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String fileName = args[0];
BufferedReader inputStream = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
PrintWriter outputStream = null;
StringBuilder outputContents = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder methodsToCopy = new StringBuilder();
boolean inPrimitiveMethodsSection = false;
boolean inGeneratedPrimitiveMethodsSection = false;
try {
for (String line;(line = inputStream.readLine()) != null;) {
if(line.contains(PRIMITIVE_METHODS_END)) inPrimitiveMethodsSection = false;
if(line.contains(PRIMITIVE_METHODS_START)) inPrimitiveMethodsSection = true;
if(line.contains(GENERATED_PRIMITIVE_METHODS_END)) inGeneratedPrimitiveMethodsSection = false;
inGeneratedPrimitiveMethodsSection = true;
String methods = methodsToCopy.toString();
for (String primative : new String[]{"long", "float", "double"}) {
outputContents.append(methods.replaceAll("int\\s", primative + " ")).append('\n');
outputStream = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileName));
} finally {
if(outputStream!= null) outputStream.close();
This will fill the @GeneratedPrimitiveMethods section with long, float and double versions of the methods in the @PrimitiveMethods section.
// @GeneratedPrimitiveMethodsStart - Do not edit below
/** Find maximum of long inputs */
public static long max(long a, long b) {
return (a > b) ? a : b;
This is an intentionally a simple example, and I'm sure it doesn't cover all cases, but you get the point and can see how it could be extended e.g. to search multiple files or use normal annotations and detect method ends.
Furthermore, whilst you could set this up as a step in your build system, I set this up to run as a builder before the Java builder in my eclipse project. Now whenever I edit the file and hit save; it's updated automatically, in place, in less than a quarter of a second. Thus, this becomes more of a editing tool, than a step in the build system.
Just a thought...
Your question is pretty elaborate as you already seem to know all the 'good' answers. Since due to language design we are not allowed to use primitives as generic parameter types, the best practical answer is where @PeterLawrey is heading.
public class PrimitiveGenerics {
public static double genericMax( double a, double b) {
return (a > b) ?a:b;
public int max( int a, int b) {
return (int) genericMax(a, b);
public long max( long a, long b) {
return (long) genericMax(a, b);
public float max( float a, float b) {
return (float) genericMax(a, b);
public double max( double a, double b) {
return (double) genericMax(a, b);
The list of primitive types is small and hopefully constant in future evolution of the language and double type is the widest/most general.
In the worst case, you compute using 64 bit variables where 32 bit would suffice. There is a performance penalty for conversion(tiny) and for pass by value into one more method (small), but no Objects are created as this is the main (and really huge) penalty for using primitive wrappers.
I also used a static method so it is bound early and not in run-time, although it is just one and which is something that JVM optimization usually takes care of but it won't hurt anyway. May depend on real case scenario.
Would be lovely if someone tested it, but I believe this is the best solution.
UPDATE: Based on @thkala's comment, double may only represent long-s until certain magnitude as it loses precision (becomes imprecise when dealing with long-s) after that:
public class Asdf2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(Double.MAX_VALUE); //1.7976931348623157E308
System.out.println( Long.MAX_VALUE); //9223372036854775807
System.out.println((double) Long.MAX_VALUE); //9.223372036854776E18