I would like to append double quotes to strings in an array and then later join them as a single string (retaining the quotes). Is there any String library which does this?
A more generic way would be sth. like:
private static class QuoteFunction<F> {
char quote;
public QuoteFunction(char quote) {
this.quote = quote;
Function<F, String> func = new Function<F,String>() {
public String apply(F s) {
return new StringBuilder(s.toString().length()+2).append(quote).append(s).append(quote).toString();
public Function<F, String> getFunction() {
return func;
... call it via the following function
public static <F> String asString(Iterable<F> lst, String delimiter, Character quote) {
QuoteFunction<F> quoteFunc = new QuoteFunction<F>(quote);
Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(delimiter).skipNulls();
return joiner.join(Iterables.transform(lst, quoteFunc.getFunction()));