Ran into this Docker error with one of my projects:
invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase
What are the various causes for
Let me emphasise that Docker doesn't even allow mixed characters.
docker build -t myfirstechoimage:0.1 .
docker build -t myFirstEchoImage:0.1 .
On MacOS when your are working on an iCloud drive, your $PWD will contain a directory "Mobile Documents". It does not seem to like the space!
As a workaround, I copied my project to local drive where there is no space in the path to my project folder.
I do not see a way you can get around changnig the default path to iCloud which is ~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs
The space in the path in "Mobile Documents" seems to be what docker run does not like.
For me the issue was with the space in volume mapping that was not escaped. The jenkins job which was running the docker run command had a space in it and as a result docker engine was not able to understand the docker run command.
In my case, the image name defined in docker-compose.yml
contained uppercase letters. The fact that the error message mentioned repository
instead of image
did not help describe the problem and it took a while to figure out.