Altering an Enum field using Alembic

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故里飘歌 2020-12-12 21:32

How can I add an element to an Enum field in an alembic migration when using a version of PostgreSQL older than 9.1 (which adds the ALTER TYPE for enums)? This SO question e

  • 2020-12-12 21:40

    This solution is easy to understand and works really well for both upgrade and downgrade. I've written this answer in more detailed manner.

    Let's say our enum_type looks like this:

    enum_type = ('some_value_1', 'some_value_2')

    I want to alter enum_type by adding a new enum, so that it becomes like this:

    enum_type = ('some_value_1', 'some_value_2', 'new_value')

    This can be done in this way:

    from alembic import op
    def upgrade():
        op.execute("ALTER TYPE enum_type ADD VALUE 'new_value'")
    def downgrade():
        # Drop 'new_value' from enum_type
        op.execute("ALTER TYPE enum_type RENAME TO enum_type_tmp")
        op.execute("CREATE TYPE enum_type AS ENUM('some_value_1', 'some_value_1')")
        op.execute("DROP TYPE enum_type_tmp")

    NOTE: During downgrade, if you're using enum_type in a table then you can modify the downgrade method as mentioned below:

    def downgrade():
        # Drop 'new_value' from enum_type
        op.execute("UPDATE table_name"
                   " SET column_name_using_enum_type_value = NULL"
                   " WHERE column_name_using_enum_type_value = 'new_value'")    
        op.execute("ALTER TYPE enum_type RENAME TO enum_type_tmp")
        op.execute("CREATE TYPE enum_type AS ENUM('some_value_1', 'some_value_1')")
        op.execute("ALTER TABLE table_name"
                   " ALTER COLUMN column_name_using_enum_type_value TYPE enum_type"
                   " USING column_name_using_enum_type_value::text::enum_type")
        op.execute("DROP TYPE enum_type_tmp")
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-12 21:41

    Found another handy method

    op.execute('ALTER TYPE enum_type ADD VALUE new_value')
    op.execute('ALTER TYPE enum_type ADD VALUE new_value BEFORE old_value')
    op.execute('ALTER TYPE enum_type ADD VALUE new_value AFTER old_value')
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-12 21:47

    I needed to move data while migrating types, including deleting some old types, so I figured I'd write up a more general way of doing this based on the (awesome) accepted answer ( Hopefully this helps someone else in the same boat!

    # This migration will move data from one column to two others based on the type
    # for a given row, and modify the type of each row.
    from alembic import op
    import sqlalchemy as sa
    from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
    revision = '000000000001'
    down_revision = '000000000000'
    branch_labels = None
    depends_on = None
    # This set of options makes up the old type.
    example_types_old = (
    example_type_enum_old = postgresql.ENUM(*example_types_old, name='exampletype')
    # This set of options makes up the new type.
    example_types_new = (
    example_type_enum_new = postgresql.ENUM(*example_types_new, name='exampletype')
    # This set of options includes everything from the old and new types.
    example_types_tmp = set(example_types_old + example_types_new)
    example_type_enum_tmp = postgresql.ENUM(*example_types_tmp, name='_exampletype')
    # This is a table view from which we can select and update as necessary. This
    # only needs to include the relevant columns which are in either the old or new
    # version of the table.
    examples_view = sa.Table(
        # Use the name of the actual table so it is modified in the upgrade and
        # downgrade.
        sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
        # Use the _tmp type so all types are usable.
        sa.Column('example_type', example_type_enum_tmp),
        # This is a column from which the data will be migrated, after which the
        # column will be removed.
        sa.Column('example_old_column', sa.Integer),
        # This is a column to which data from the old column will be added if the
        # type is EXAMPLE_A.
        sa.Column('example_new_column_a', sa.Integer),
        # This is a column to which data from the old column will be added if the
        # type is EXAMPLE_B.
        sa.Column('example_new_column_b', sa.Integer),
    def upgrade():
        connection = op.get_bind()
        # Add the new column to which data will be migrated.
        example_new_column_a = sa.Column(
        op.add_column('examples', example_new_column_a)
        # Add the new column to which data will be migrated.
        example_new_column_b = sa.Column(
        op.add_column('examples', example_new_column_b)
        # Create the temporary enum and change the example_type column to use the
        # temporary enum.
        # The USING statement automatically maps the old enum to the temporary one.
        example_type_enum_tmp.create(connection, checkfirst=False)
        # Change to the temporary type and map from the old type to the temporary
        # one.
            ALTER TABLE examples
                ALTER COLUMN example_type
                    TYPE _exampletype
                    USING example_type::text::_exampletype
        # Move data from example_old_column to example_new_column_a and change its
        # type to EXAMPLE_D if the type is EXAMPLE_A.
                examples_view.c.example_type == 'EXAMPLE_A'
        # Move data from example_old_column to example_new_column_b and change its
        # type to EXAMPLE_E if the type is EXAMPLE_B.
                examples_view.c.example_type == 'EXAMPLE_B'
        # Move any remaining data from example_old_column to example_new_column_a
        # and keep its type as EXAMPLE_C.
                examples_view.c.example_type == 'EXAMPLE_C'
        # Delete the old enum now that the data with the old types have been moved.
        example_type_enum_old.drop(connection, checkfirst=False)
        # Create the new enum and change the example_type column to use the new
        # enum.
        # The USING statement automatically maps the temporary enum to the new one.
        example_type_enum_new.create(connection, checkfirst=False)
            ALTER TABLE examples
                ALTER COLUMN example_type
                    TYPE exampletype
                    USING example_type::text::exampletype
        # Delete the temporary enum.
        example_type_enum_tmp.drop(connection, checkfirst=False)
        # Remove the old column.
        op.drop_column('examples', 'example_old_column')
    # The downgrade just performs the opposite of all the upgrade operations but in
    # reverse.
    def downgrade():
        connection = op.get_bind()
        example_old_column = sa.Column(
        op.add_column('examples', example_old_column)
        example_type_enum_tmp.create(connection, checkfirst=False)
            ALTER TABLE examples
                ALTER COLUMN example_type
                    TYPE _exampletype
                    USING example_type::text::_exampletype
                examples_view.c.example_type == 'EXAMPLE_C'
                examples_view.c.example_type == 'EXAMPLE_E'
                examples_view.c.example_type == 'EXAMPLE_D'
        example_type_enum_old.create(connection, checkfirst=False)
            ALTER TABLE examples
                ALTER COLUMN example_type
                    TYPE exampletype
                    USING example_type::text::exampletype
        example_type_enum_tmp.drop(connection, checkfirst=False)
        op.drop_column('examples', 'example_new_column_b')
        op.drop_column('examples', 'example_new_column_a')
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-12 21:51

    This runs without problems:

    from alembic import op
    def upgrade():
        op.execute("ALTER TYPE enum_type ADD VALUE 'new_value'")
    def downgrade():


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  • 2020-12-12 21:51

    In straight SQL, this would work for Postgres, if the order of the things in your enum doesn't need to be exactly as above:

    ALTER TYPE status ADD value 'output_limit_exceeded' after 'timed_out'; 
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-12 21:53

    As of Postgres 9.1 adding a new value to an enum can be done with the ALTER TYPE statement. This is complicated by the fact that it cannot be done in a transaction. However this can be worked around by committing alembic's transaction see here.

    I actually had problems using the older, more verbose, solution because Postgres could not automatically convert the default for the column.

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