Several of my colleagues and I have recently upgraded from MySQL 5.5 to MySQL 5.6 using homebrew on our Macs to test locally before upgrading our servers. Since this upgrad
We had the same problem. This fixed it for us
project-root$ mysql.server stop
project-root$ gem uninstall mysql2
project-root$ bundle install
project-root$ mysql.server start
That's an issue with the latest mysql version that is installed via homebrew.
5.6.x creates the problem. downgrading to 5.5.x solved the issue for me.
You can install old formula versions pretty easily with homebrew:
brew versions mysql
will give you the sha you have to checkout in /usr/local to be able to install an old version
cd /usr/local
git checkout 336c976
brew info mysql
This will show you 5.5.29 as the mysql version. You can then uninstall mysql based on these instructions and reinstall simply by running
brew install mysql
and running through the normal installation process with homebrew:
unset TMPDIR
mysql_install_db --verbose --user=`whoami` --basedir="$(brew --prefix mysql)" --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --tmpdir=/tmp
Hope that helps.
You can checkout master in /usr/local after installing the old version of mysql after that again. The brew versions command even gives you the command to just checkout the formula for mysql but I don't think that has any advantages over just checking out the whole repository for the sha and then going back to master after installing the old mysql version.