C#: 216 Characters
using C=System.Console;class P{static void Main(){var p="start:";System.Action<object> o=C.Write;o(p);ulong i;while(ulong.TryParse(C.ReadLine(),out i)){o(i);while(i > 1){i=i%2==0?i/2:i*3+1;o(" -> "+i);}o("\n"+p);}}}
in long form:
using C = System.Console;
class P
static void Main()
var p = "start:";
System.Action<object> o = C.Write;
ulong i;
while (ulong.TryParse(C.ReadLine(), out i))
while (i > 1)
i = i % 2 == 0 ? i / 2 : i * 3 + 1;
o(" -> " + i);
o("\n" + p);
New Version, accepts one number as input provided through the command line, no input validation. 173 154 characters.
using System;class P{static void Main(string[]a){Action<object>o=Console.Write;var i=ulong.Parse(a[0]);o(i);while(i>1){i=i%2==0?i/2:i*3+1;o(" -> "+i);}}}
in long form:
using System;
class P
static void Main(string[]a)
var i=ulong.Parse(a[0]);
o(" -> "+i);
I am able to shave a few characters by ripping off the idea in this answer to use a for loop rather than a while. 150 characters.
using System;class P{static void Main(string[]a){Action<object>o=Console.Write;for(var i=ulong.Parse(a[0]);i>1;i=i%2==0?i/2:i*3+1)o(i+" -> ");o(1);}}