I\'ve never used CI tools before, but from what I\'ve read, I\'m not sure it would provide any benefit to a solo developer that isn\'t writing code every day.
As other people have noted, CI does have advantages for a solo developer. But the question you have to ask yourself is; is it worth the overhead? If you're like me, it will probably take an hour or two to set up a CI system for a project, just because I'll have to allocate a server, set up all the networking, and install the software. Remember that the CI system will only be saving you a few seconds at a time. For a solo developer, these times aren't likely to add up to more than the time it took to do the CI setup.
However, if you've never set up a CI system before, I recommend doing it just for the sake of learning how to do it. It doesn't take so long that it isn't worth the learning experience.