What can cause “invalid binary” with no email followup from iTunes Connect?

后端 未结 30 2087
南笙 2020-12-12 19:05

I\'m trying to submit an update of an existing application on behalf of one of my clients, and I\'m getting \"Invalid Binary\" failures from iTunes Connect with no explanati

  • 2020-12-12 19:39

    It might be a privacy-related issue in iOS 10. It requires developers add description when using user privacy data such "Open Photo Library", "Open Camera", "Access Calendar"... and so on.

    Please go check every part of your codes included 3rd-party frameworks to see if it has some privacy issues. Add the description to Info.plist file then. I solved it by this way ^_^

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  • 2020-12-12 19:40

    I've been having the same problem for a few days. It seems as though this error can be caused by so many different issues, so it's a shame Apple don't elaborate the error with an email.

    For me, the solution was to not use "Application Loader" at all!

    Instead do the following within Xcode:

    • Select your application go to Build > Build & Archive
    • Once this is complete, go to Window > Organizer
    • Select your application under "Archived Applications"
    • Click'Validate'
    • If the validation is a success (as mine was):
    • click 'Submit'.

    This will then submit the application to apple. For me, after a few seconds the status was changed to 'Waiting for review' rather than 'Invalid Binary'.

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  • 2020-12-12 19:41

    I struggled with this for half a day. Even tried reinstalling xcode. For me the answer was going back to the provisioning portal in itunes connect and revoking my certificate then making a new one. Then making a new distribution provisioning profile, then rebuilding and resubmitting. What a long undocumented pain in the neck.

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  • 2020-12-12 19:42

    Use the build & archive tools in Xcode as described in another response here.

    For some reason the archive tool triggered something at Apple to send back email telling me what was actually wrong (corrupt PNG file).

    My issue? Xcode corrupts some PNG files when it compresses them. Go to Build Settings, look in the Packaging section and set "Compress PNG Files' to no.

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  • 2020-12-12 19:42

    None of the Answers here were helpful to me. I use Cocoapods in my project. For some reason the Cocoapods project settings Base SDK, and Supported platforms was set to OSX. (Cocoapods version: 0.37.2) I switched it over to iOS and it worked. My Cocoapods Project Settings

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  • 2020-12-12 19:42

    In my case, I had generated provisioning profiles using a different CSR & not using the original CSR which was created the first time to access the provisioning portal. Code signing & submitting the apps with provisioning profiles generated of the original CSR resolved my issue.

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