I\'m working with a form that needs to bind HTML to a Rich Text Editor. The best way to store this HTML content would be an HTML file.
I can\'t quite figure out how
Using $templateRequest, you can load a template by it’s URL without having to embed it into your HTML page. If the template is already loaded, it will be taken from the cache.
app.controller('testCtrl', function($scope, $templateRequest, $sce, $compile){
// Make sure that no bad URLs are fetched. You can omit this if your template URL is
// not dynamic.
var templateUrl = $sce.getTrustedResourceUrl('nameOfTemplate.html');
$templateRequest(templateUrl).then(function(template) {
// template is the HTML template as a string
// Let's put it into an HTML element and parse any directives and expressions
// in the code. (Note: This is just an example, modifying the DOM from within
// a controller is considered bad style.)
}, function() {
// An error has occurred
Be aware that this is the manual way to do it, and whereas in most cases the preferable way would be to define a directive that fetches the template using the templateUrl
All templates are loaded into a cache. There is an injectable $templateCache service you can use to get access to the templates:
app.controller('testCtrl', function($scope, $templateCache){
var template = $templateCache.get('nameOfTemplate.html');