I\'m having a difficult time understanding how to get Rails to show an explicit error message for a child resource that is failing validation when I render an XML template.
This is not a public API yet, but Rails 5 stable seems to have ActiveModel::Errors#copy!
to merge errors
between two models.
user = User.new(name: "foo", email: nil)
other = User.new(name: nil, email:"foo@bar.com")
user.full_messages #=> [ "name is blank", "email is blank" ]
Again, this is not officially published yet (I accidentally find this one before monkey-patching Errors
class), and I'm not sure it will be.
So it's up to you.
You should use following in the rhtml.
<%= error_messages_for :school, :student %>
To skip "Students is invalid" message use following in the student.rb
def after_validation
# Skip errors that won't be useful to the end user
filtered_errors = self.errors.reject{ |err| %w{ student}.include?(err.first) }
filtered_errors.each { |err| self.errors.add(*err) }
Sorry after_validation must be in a school.rb