How can I share a folder between my Windows files and a docker container, by mounting a volume with simple --volume
command using Docker Toolbox on?
Simply using double leading slashes worked for me on Windows 7:
docker run --rm -v //c/Users:/data alpine ls /data/
Taken from here:
This is an improvement of the selected answer because that answer is limited to c:\Users folder. If you want to create a volume using a directory outside of c:\Users this is an extension.
In windows 7, I used docker toolbox. It used Virtual Box.
For example, in my case I have included:
**Name**: c:\dev
**Path**: c/dev
Use this command:
$ docker-machine restart
To verify that it worked, following these steps:
Using this command:
$ docker-machine ssh
In my case, I use this command
$ cd /c/dev
You will see something like this:
docker@default:/c/dev$ ls -all
total 92
drwxrwxrwx 1 docker staff 4096 Feb 23 14:16 ./
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 80 Feb 24 09:01 ../
drwxrwxrwx 1 docker staff 4096 Jan 16 09:28 my_folder/
In that case, you will be able to create a volume for that folder.
You can use these commands:
docker create -v /c/dev/:/app/dev --name dev image
docker run -d -it --volumes-from dev image
docker run -d -it -v /c/dev/:/app/dev image
Both commands work for me. I hope this will be useful.
For those using Virtual Box who prefer command-line approach
1) Make sure the docker-machine is not running
Docker Quickstart Terminal:
docker-machine stop
2) Create the sharing Windows <-> docker-machine
Windows command prompt:
(Modify following to fit your scenario. I feed my Apache httpd container from directory synced via Dropbox.)
set VBOX=D:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe
set VM_NAME=default
set NAME=c/htdocs
"%VBOX%" sharedfolder add "%VM_NAME%" --name "%NAME%" --hostpath "%HOSTPATH%" --automount
3) Start the docker-machine and mount the volume in a new container
Docker Quickstart Terminal:
(Again, I am starting an Apache httpd container, hence that port exposing.)
docker-machine start
docker run -d --name my-apache-container-0 -p 80:80 -v /c/htdocs:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs my-apache-image:1.0
This is actually an issue of the project and there are 2 working workarounds:
Creating a data volume:
docker create -v //c/Users/myuser:/myuser --name data hello-world
winpty docker run -it --rm --volumes-from data ubuntu
SSHing directly in the docker host:
docker-machine ssh default
And from there doing a classic:
docker run -it --rm --volume /c/Users/myuser:/myuser ubuntu
As of August 2016 Docker for windows now uses hyper-v directly instead of virtualbox, so I think it is a little different. First share the drive in settings then use the C:
drive letter format, but use forward slashes. For instance I created an H:\t\REDIS
directory and was able to see it mounted on /data
in the container with this command:
docker run -it --rm -v h:/t/REDIS:/data redis sh
The same format, using drive letter and a colon then forward slashes for the path separator worked both from windows command prompt and from git bash.
I found this question googling to find an answer, but I couldn't find anything that worked. Things would seem to work with no errors being thrown, but I just couldn't see the data on the host (or vice-versa). Finally I checked out the settings closely and tried the format they show:
So first, you have to share the whole drive to the docker vm in settings here, I think that gives the 'docker-machine' vm running in hyper-v access to that drive. Then you have to use the format shown there, which seems to only exist in this one image and in no documentation or questions I could find on the web:
docker run --rm -v c:/Users:/data alpine ls /data
$ cd ~
to make sure you are in Windows user directory.$ docker run -it -v /$(pwd)/ubuntu:/windows ubuntu
It will work if the error is due to typo. You will get an empty folder named ubuntu
in your user directory. You will see this folder with the name windows
in your ubuntu container.