I\'d like to make a migration for a Flask app. I am using Alembic.
However, I receive the following error.
This can be solved bby many ways :
1 To fix this error, delete the latest migration file ( a python file) then try to perform a migration afresh.
If issue still persists try these commands :
$ flask db stamp head # To set the revision in the database to the head, without performing any migrations. You can change head to the required change you want.
$ flask db migrate # To detect automatically all the changes.
$ flask db upgrade # To apply all the changes.
Try to drop all tables before execute the db upgrade command.
I did too run into different heads and I wanted to change one of the fields from string to integer, so first run:
$ flask db stamp head # to make the current the same
$ flask db migrate
$ flask db upgrade
It's solved now!
This Worked For me
$ flask db stamp head
$ flask db migrate
$ flask db upgrade
$ flask db stamp head # To set the revision in the database to the head, without performing any migrations. You can change head to the required change you want.
$ flask db migrate # To detect automatically all the changes.
$ flask db upgrade # To apply all the changes.
You can find more info at the documentation https://flask-migrate.readthedocs.io/en/latest/