This is a good example of workers & controller mode in Go written by @Jimt, in answer to \"Is there some elegant way to pause & resume any other goroutine in golang?
From the documentation:
A channel may be closed with the built-in function close. The multi-valued assignment form of the receive operator reports whether a received value was sent before the channel was closed.
Example by Golang in Action shows this case:
// This sample program demonstrates how to use an unbuffered
// channel to simulate a game of tennis between two goroutines.
package main
import (
// wg is used to wait for the program to finish.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
func init() {
// main is the entry point for all Go programs.
func main() {
// Create an unbuffered channel.
court := make(chan int)
// Add a count of two, one for each goroutine.
// Launch two players.
go player("Nadal", court)
go player("Djokovic", court)
// Start the set.
court <- 1
// Wait for the game to finish.
// player simulates a person playing the game of tennis.
func player(name string, court chan int) {
// Schedule the call to Done to tell main we are done.
defer wg.Done()
for {
// Wait for the ball to be hit back to us.
ball, ok := <-court
fmt.Printf("ok %t\n", ok)
if !ok {
// If the channel was closed we won.
fmt.Printf("Player %s Won\n", name)
// Pick a random number and see if we miss the ball.
n := rand.Intn(100)
if n%13 == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Player %s Missed\n", name)
// Close the channel to signal we lost.
// Display and then increment the hit count by one.
fmt.Printf("Player %s Hit %d\n", name, ball)
// Hit the ball back to the opposing player.
court <- ball
If you listen this channel you always can findout that channel was closed.
case state, opened := <-ws:
if !opened {
// channel was closed
// return or made some final work
switch state {
case Stopped:
But remember, you can not close one channel two times. This will raise panic.