I\'m working on a server for an online game which should be able to handle millions of players. Now the game needs leaderboards and wants to be able to show a players curren
I can think of two ways to approach this problem:
First approach: Update in batches:
Second approach: New table
You can redundantly store the rank of each player in the player table so that you don't have to do any join operations. Every time, when the leaderboards are recalculated, the player tables should be updated, too.
I've read an article recently on solving this kind of problem with Redis. You could still use MySQL as your basic store, but you would cache the unsorted results in Redis and update the rankings in real time. The link can be found here. The last third of the article is about keyed sorts, like you'd have with a rankings list.
I know this is an old question, but I do enjoy staring at such problems. Given the ratio of data -> query speed required, some non-traditional tricks can be used that take more coding work but can really give a boost to query performance.
To begin with, we should track scores with buckets. We want the bucket list (what a great name!) to be small enough to easily hold in memory, and large enough that buckets aren't frequently (relatively speaking) being affected. That provides us with greater concurrency to avoid locking issues.
You'll have to judge how to split up those buckets based upon your load, but I think you want to focus on having as many buckets as you can that will easily fit into memory and add quickly.
To accommodate this, my score_buckets
table will have the following structure:
minscore, maxscore, usercount; PK(minscore, maxscore)
We must track our users, and probably going to be done with:
userid, score, timestamp
#(etc., etc. that we don't care about for this part of the problem)
In order to efficiently iterate over this to get a count by score, we need an index on the score. Timestamp is just something I threw in for tie-breaking in my example so that I'd have a definitive ordering. If you don't need it, ditch it -- it is using space and that will affect query time. At the moment: index(score, timestamp).
Add triggers to the user table. On insertion:
update score_buckets sb
set sb.usercount = sb.usercount + 1
where sb.minscore <= NEW.score
and sb.maxscore >= NEW.score
On update
update score_buckets sb
set sb.usercount = sb.usercount - 1
where sb.minscore <= OLD.score
and sb.maxscore >= OLD.score
update score_buckets sb
set sb.usercount = sb.usercount + 1
where sb.minscore <= NEW.score
and sb.maxscore >= NEW.score
On deletion
update score_buckets sb
set sb.usercount = sb.usercount - 1
where sb.minscore <= OLD.score
and sb.maxscore >= OLD.score
$usersBefore = select sum(usercount)
from score_buckets
where maxscore < $userscore;
$countFrom = select max(maxscore)
from score_buckets
where maxscore < $userscore;
$rank = select count(*) from user
where score > $countFrom
and score <= $userscore
and timestamp <= $userTimestamp
Benchmark with various numbers of buckets, doubling or halving them each time. You can quickly write up a bucket doubling / halving script to allow you to load test this. More buckets makes for less scanning of the user score index and less lock / transaction contention when updating scores. More buckets consumes more memory. To pick a number to start with, use 10,000 buckets. Ideally, your buckets will cover the entire range of scores and each bucket will have roughly the same number of users counted in it. If you score distribution graph follows a curve of some kind, make your bucket distribution follow that curve.
The theory of this is kind related to a two-tiered skip list.
A single disk seek is about 15ms, maybe a little less with server grade disks. A response time of less than 500ms limits you to about 30 random disk accesses. That is not a lot.
On my tiny laptop, I have a development database with
root@localhost [kris]> select @@innodb_buffer_pool_size/1024/1024 as pool_mb;
| pool_mb |
| 128.00000000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
and a slow laptop disk. I created a score table with
root@localhost [kris]> show create table score\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: score
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `score` (
`player_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`score` int(11) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`player_id`),
KEY `score` (`score`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
with random integer scores and sequential player_id values. We have
root@localhost [kris]> select count(*)/1000/1000 as mrows from score\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
mrows: 2.09715200
1 row in set (0.39 sec)
The database maintains the pair (score, player_id)
in score
order in the index score
, as data in an InnoDB index is stored in a BTREE, and the row pointer (data pointer) is the primary key value, so that the definition KEY (score)
ends up being KEY(score, player_id)
internally. We can prove that by looking at the query plan for a score retrieval:
root@localhost [kris]> explain select * from score where score = 17\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: score
type: ref
possible_keys: score
key: score
key_len: 4
ref: const
rows: 29
Extra: Using index
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
As you can see, the key: score
is being used with Using index
, meaning that no data access is necessary.
The ranking query for a given constant player_id
takes precisely 500ms on my laptop:
root@localhost [kris]> select p.*, count(*) as rank
from score as p join score as s on p.score < s.score
where p.player_id = 479269\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
player_id: 479269
score: 99901
rank: 2074
1 row in set (0.50 sec)
With more memory and on a faster box it can be quicker, but it is still a comparatively expensive operation, because the plan sucks:
root@localhost [kris]> explain select p.*, count(*) as rank from score as p join score as s on p.score < s.score where p.player_id = 479269;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | p | const | PRIMARY,score | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 1 | |
| 1 | SIMPLE | s | index | score | score | 4 | NULL | 2097979 | Using where; Using index |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
As you can see, the second table in the plan is an index scan, so the query slows down linearly with the number of players.
If you want a full leaderboard, you need to leave off the where clause, and then you get two scans and quadratic execution times. So this plan implodes completely.
Time to go procedural here:
root@localhost [kris]> set @count = 0;
select *, @count := @count + 1 as rank from score where score >= 99901 order by score desc ;
| 2353218 | 99901 | 2075 |
| 2279992 | 99901 | 2076 |
| 2264334 | 99901 | 2077 |
| 2239927 | 99901 | 2078 |
| 2158161 | 99901 | 2079 |
| 2076159 | 99901 | 2080 |
| 2027538 | 99901 | 2081 |
| 1908971 | 99901 | 2082 |
| 1887127 | 99901 | 2083 |
| 1848119 | 99901 | 2084 |
| 1692727 | 99901 | 2085 |
| 1658223 | 99901 | 2086 |
| 1581427 | 99901 | 2087 |
| 1469315 | 99901 | 2088 |
| 1466122 | 99901 | 2089 |
| 1387171 | 99901 | 2090 |
| 1286378 | 99901 | 2091 |
| 666050 | 99901 | 2092 |
| 633419 | 99901 | 2093 |
| 479269 | 99901 | 2094 |
| 329168 | 99901 | 2095 |
| 299189 | 99901 | 2096 |
| 290436 | 99901 | 2097 |
Because this is a procedural plan, it is unstable:
clause works, because it does not sort, but uses an index. As soon as you see using filesort
, the counter values will be wildly off.It is the solution that comes closest to what a NoSQL (read: procedural) database will do as an execution plan, though.
We can stabilize the NoSQL inside a subquery and then slice out the part that is of interest to us, though:
root@localhost [kris]> set @count = 0;
select * from (
select *, @count := @count + 1 as rank
from score
where score >= 99901
order by score desc
) as t
where player_id = 479269;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
| player_id | score | rank |
| 479269 | 99901 | 2094 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [kris]> set @count = 0;
select * from (
select *, @count := @count + 1 as rank
from score
where score >= 99901
order by score desc
) as t
where rank between 2090 and 2100;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
| player_id | score | rank |
| 1387171 | 99901 | 2090 |
| 1286378 | 99901 | 2091 |
| 666050 | 99901 | 2092 |
| 633419 | 99901 | 2093 |
| 479269 | 99901 | 2094 |
| 329168 | 99901 | 2095 |
| 299189 | 99901 | 2096 |
| 290436 | 99901 | 2097 |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)
The subquery will materialize the former result set as an ad-hoc table named t, which we then can access in the outer query. Because it is an ad-hoc table, in MySQL it will have no index. This limits what is possible efficiently in the outer query.
Note how both queries satisfy your timing constraint, though. Here is the plan:
root@localhost [kris]> set @count = 0; explain select * from ( select *, @count := @count + 1 as rank from score where score >= 99901 order by score desc ) as t where rank between 2090 and 2100\G
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: PRIMARY
table: <derived2>
type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
key: NULL
key_len: NULL
ref: NULL
rows: 2097
Extra: Using where
*************************** 2. row ***************************
id: 2
select_type: DERIVED
table: score
type: range
possible_keys: score
key: score
key_len: 4
ref: NULL
rows: 3750
Extra: Using where; Using index
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Both query components (the inner, DERIVED
query and the outer BETWEEN
constraint) will get slower for badly ranked players, though, and then grossly violate your timing constraints.
root@localhost [kris]> set @count = 0; select * from ( select *, @count := @count + 1 as rank from score where score >= 0 order by score desc ) as t;
2097152 rows in set (3.56 sec)
The execution time for the descriptive approach is stable (dependent only on table size):
root@localhost [kris]> select p.*, count(*) as rank
from score as p join score as s on p.score < s.score
where p.player_id = 1134026;
| player_id | score | rank |
| 1134026 | 0 | 2097135 |
1 row in set (0.53 sec)
Your call.
Sorting millions of entries might sound like a lot of work, but it clearly isn't. Sorting 10^6 completely random entries takes about 3 seconds on my computer (just an older EeePC with an Atom CPU (first generation i think), 1.6GHz).
And with a good sorting algorithm, sorting has O(n*log(n)) in the worst case, so it wont really matter if you have 10^9 or more entries. And most of the time the rank list will be already nearly sorted (from a previous ranking) resulting in a runtime which is more likely to be O(n).
So, stop worrying about it! The only real problem is, that most DBMSs can not directly access the 1000th entry. So, a query like SELECT ... LIMIT 1000, 5
will have to query at least 1005 entries and skip the first 1000. But the solution here is simply too. Just store the rank
as an redundant column of each row, add an index to it and compute it every 15min (or every 5min, 30min, 1h, or whatever makes sense for your application). With that, all queries by rank are just simply secondary index lookups (about O(log(N))) which is extremely fast and will only take some milliseconds per query (the network is here the bottleneck, not the database).
PS: You commented on another answer that you can not cache the sorted entries because they are too large for your memory. Assuming that you just cache (user_id, rank) tuples with two 64 bit integers (32 bits would be more than enough too!), you would need less than 8 MB of memory to store 10^6 entries. Are you sure you do not have enough RAM for that?
So, please do not try to optimize something which is clearly not a bottleneck (yet)...