Vim\'s multilayered views (Windows, Buffers and Tabs) left me a little confused. Let\'s say I split the display (:sp) and then select a different buffer to display in each w
I used to use :
But I found certain occasions where it closed my window.
Recently I noticed that I always use this when I am working on a project and need to quickly open my .tmux.conf
before going back to work.
For this usage, I find better to :
to delete the previous buffer (I have mapped it like this : nnoremap <leader>d :bd#<CR>
)It allows me to control the buffer I'm going back to and feels more natural.
Here is a very readable vimscript function, which handles all cases well,
(if only one window, just invoke it!),
, switch to it, else go next, via:bn
.nnoremap <Leader>b :call DeleteCurBufferNotCloseWindow()<CR> func! DeleteCurBufferNotCloseWindow() abort if &modified echohl ErrorMsg echom "E89: no write since last change" echohl None elseif winnr('$') == 1 bd else " multiple window let oldbuf = bufnr('%') let oldwin = winnr() while 1 " all windows that display oldbuf will remain open if buflisted(bufnr('#')) b# else bn let curbuf = bufnr('%') if curbuf == oldbuf enew " oldbuf is the only buffer, create one endif endif let win = bufwinnr(oldbuf) if win == -1 break else " there are other window that display oldbuf exec win 'wincmd w' endif endwhile " delete oldbuf and restore window to oldwin exec oldbuf 'bd' exec oldwin 'wincmd w' endif endfunc
use ":bd" as a command.
To 'close' a view, use :hid[e]
. Works if you have managed to split the viewport or opened multiple files. You can't hide the last buffer on display.
1 Further tip that helped me: use :e ./path/to/
to open a file in viewport without splitting the window.
P.S. At two days into vim I still have trouble finding the precise help commands. Hopefully this will help someone else keep working until they really get time to understand vim.