Vim\'s multilayered views (Windows, Buffers and Tabs) left me a little confused. Let\'s say I split the display (:sp) and then select a different buffer to display in each w
I messed with this a bit and finally came up with:
:bp | sp | bn | bd
Here's the copy/paste version for key mapping:
I've tested it a fair bit and it works consistently in various conditions. When used on the last buffer it will leave you with a new blank buffer.
Throw this in your .vimrc:
map <leader>q :bp<bar>sp<bar>bn<bar>bd<CR>
Restart Vim, or just :source ~/.vimrc
for changes to take effect. Next time you want to close a buffer just type: \q
(if \
is your leader key)
do what you want? it will edit a new, unnamed buffer in the current window leaving the existing file open in any other windows.
There's a script on the Vim wiki to do this. I don't think there is a builtin that does what you want.
The latest version of vim-bufkill is on github.
nmap <leader>d :bprevious<CR>:bdelete #<CR>
Works as it should until one buffer is open in several windows. Good enough unless you want to use the bigger scripts out there.
Edit: this is what i use right now:
function! BufferDelete()
if &modified
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg "No write since last change. Not closing buffer."
echohl NONE
let s:total_nr_buffers = len(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)'))
if s:total_nr_buffers == 1
echo "Buffer deleted. Created new buffer."
bdelete #
echo "Buffer deleted."
A simple version I use personally is
It goes to the previous buffer and deletes the other buffer (which is actually the original where we jumped from). This does what you would expect in 99% of cases without any complicated scripts.
As a keyboard shortcut I use the following
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>c :bp<BAR>bd#<CR>
If you're like me and you came here trying to do the opposite, close the window without closing the buffer, you can do that via: