I\'d like to use Bootstrap 4 with SASS in an Angular(4+) project created with Angular CLI.
In particular I need to:
Here is an alternative way I managed to build successfully
1 - Install bootstrap
npm install bootstrap
This should add boostrap scss file under node_modules. (Step 2 - 6 is from https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/css)
2 - Install node-sass
nmp install -g node-sass
This is need to transpile sass to css
3 - Create a folder whereever is suitable for you to keep scss and generated css files. e.g.
├── scss
│ └── custom.scss
└── node_modules/
└── bootstrap
├── js
└── scss
4 - Create a custom.scss file with following content:
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
5 - Create a task in VSCode by Ctrl+Shift+B > Configure Tasks > Create tasks.json file from template > Others
tasks.json file under .vscode is created with default content. Replace the content with
// Sass configuration
// See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
// for the documentation about the tasks.json format
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [{
"label": "Sass Compile",
"type": "shell",
"command": "node-sass scss/custom.scss scss/custom-bootstrap.css",
"group": "build",
"problemMatcher": [
Note: Modify the file names and paths according to your needs.
6 - Run the task to generate css: Ctrl+Shift+B > 'Sass compile' or
7 - Follow the steps in bootstrap theming procedure: (https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/getting-started/theming/)
In order to setup Angular + Bootstrap 4 using SASS we just need to configure the Angular CLI and install the Bootstrap 4 npm package. There is no need to install any SASS compiler because it's already included.
EDIT: this answer has been updated to work with a newer version Angular CLI (tested with version 6.1.3). I left the instructions for the older Angular CLI in the bottom of this answer, however I strongly recommend you to update your Angular CLI version.
Edit your angular.json
file and add the "styleext": "scss"
key value to the projects.PROJECT_NAME.schematics.@schematics/angular:component
This is how it should look like:
// ...
"projects": {
// ....
"schematics": {
"@schematics/angular:component": {
"styleext": "scss"
// ...
Simply use:
ng new my-project --style=scss
To accomplish this you just need to rename the style file from .css
to .scss
and change the @Component({ ... })
configuration accordingly:
styleUrls: ['./my-component.scss']
In this way the angular-cli will automatically watch and recompile these files whenever they change while you are executing commands like ng serve
Install Bootstrap 4 via npm:
npm install bootstrap --save
Now add Bootstrap to the angular-cli.json
config inside the styles
array (before any other custom css/scss files in order to let them override bootstrap rules :
"styles": [
/* ... */
This way the Bootstrap 4 source code will stay clean and it will be very easy to upgrade it whenever a new version is released.
Any additional SASS styles which should globally affect the project (unlike the single Component styles) can be added under app/assets/scss
and then referenced in the styles
array of angular-cli.json
My suggestion is to reference a single main.scss
file which will include all your custom SASS styles: for example a _variables.scss
for your custom variables, a _global.scss
file for your global rules, etc..
So in your angular-cli.json
you will reference just one custom main.scss
"styles": [
which internally includes all your custom global* SASS code:
// main.scss
@import "variables";
@import "global";
// import more custom files...
*Note that you MUST NOT include here the *.scss
style files of the single Components.
There are some projects that allow you to use Bootstrap without jQuery.
Two examples:
The difference between those two project is discussed here: What is the difference between "ng-bootstrap" and "ngx-bootstrap"?
WARNING: I will not maintain this part of the answer anymore, so instead to proceed reading it, I recommend to update your Angular CLI version and following the instructions above.
ng set defaults.styleExt scss
this will affect your .angular-cli.json
config file ( example ).
Note: in case you're starting from scratch, you can create a new project using Angular CLI using:
ng new my-project --style=scss
which is the equivalent of creating a new project normally and then running the command mentioned above.
To accomplish this you just need to rename the style file from .css
to .scss
and change the @Component({ ... })
configuration accordingly:
styleUrls: ['./my-component.scss']
( example ).
In this way the angular-cli will automatically watch and recompile these files whenever they change while you are executing commands like ng serve
Install Bootstrap 4 via npm:
npm install bootstrap --save
Now add Bootstrap to the .angular-cli.json
config inside the styles
array (before any other custom css/scss files in order to let them override bootstrap rules :
"styles": [
/* ... */
( example ).
This way the Bootstrap 4 source code will stay clean and it will be very easy to upgrade it whenever a new version is released.
Any additional SASS styles which should globally affect the project (unlike the single Component styles) can be added under app/assets/scss
and then referenced in the styles
array of .angular-cli.json
My suggestion is to reference a single main.scss
file which will include all your custom SASS styles: for example a _variables.scss
for your custom variables, a _global.scss
file for your global rules, etc.. ( example).
So in your .angular-cli.json
you will reference just one custom main.scss
"styles": [
which internally includes all your custom global* SASS code:
// main.scss
@import "variables";
@import "global";
// import more custom files...
*Note that you MUST NOT include here the *.scss
style files of the single Components.
There are some projects that allow you to use Bootstrap without jQuery.
Two examples:
The difference between those two project is discussed here: What is the difference between "ng-bootstrap" and "ngx-bootstrap"?
From version 6 should be
"styles": [
If you have a custom theme for me works
only adding the lib in the styles.scss
@import "./assets/scss/mytheme";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
In addition to @ShinDarth's answer, you may want to go for a more minimal solution, importing only the Bootstrap modules you need instead of them all.
So you would replace:
"styles": [
"styles": [
Then your main.scss
would look like:
// import only the Bootstrap modules you need, e.g.
@import "~bootstrap/scss/functions";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/variables";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/mixins";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/grid";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/navbar";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/forms";
// import your own custom files, e.g.
@import "variables";
@import "global";
In case someone else run into the Javascript dependencies issue that I had when running Bootstrap 4 using angular-cli, you also need to let the angular-cli compiler know that you have installed the other dependencies that boostrap 4 needs:
jquery, popper.js and bootstrap.js
For that you need to modify the scripts array on the .angular-cli.json configuration file to something like this:
"scripts": [
I am guessing that you have installed jquery and popper using npm install --save jquery popper.js so those packages are available on the node_modules folder.