Python\'s list type has an index() method that takes one parameter and returns the index of the first item in the list matching the parameter. For instance:
Those list comprehensions are messy after a while.
from operator import itemgetter
def collect(l, index):
return map(itemgetter(index), l)
# And now you can write this:
collect(tuple_list,0).index("cherry") # = 1
collect(tuple_list,1).index("3") # = 2
# Stops iterating through the list as soon as it finds the value
def getIndexOfTuple(l, index, value):
for pos,t in enumerate(l):
if t[index] == value:
return pos
# Matches behavior of list.index
raise ValueError("list.index(x): x not in list")
getIndexOfTuple(tuple_list, 0, "cherry") # = 1
Inspired by this question, I found this quite elegant:
>>> tuple_list = [("pineapple", 5), ("cherry", 7), ("kumquat", 3), ("plum", 11)]
>>> next(i for i, t in enumerate(tuple_list) if t[1] == 7)
>>> next(i for i, t in enumerate(tuple_list) if t[0] == "kumquat")
z = list(zip(*tuple_list))
You can do this with a list comprehension and index()
tuple_list = [("pineapple", 5), ("cherry", 7), ("kumquat", 3), ("plum", 11)]
[x[0] for x in tuple_list].index("kumquat")
[x[1] for x in tuple_list].index(7)
No body suggest lambdas?
Y try this and works. I come to this post searching answer. I don't found that I like, but I feel a insingth :P
l #[['rana', 1, 1], ['pato', 1, 1], ['perro', 1, 1]]
map(lambda x:x[0], l).index("pato") #1
Edit to add examples:
l=[['rana', 1, 1], ['pato', 2, 1], ['perro', 1, 1], ['pato', 2, 2], ['pato', 2, 2]]
extract all items by condition: filter(lambda x:x[0]=="pato", l) #[['pato', 2, 1], ['pato', 2, 2], ['pato', 2, 2]]
extract all items by condition with index:
>>> filter(lambda x:x[1][0]=="pato", enumerate(l))
[(1, ['pato', 2, 1]), (3, ['pato', 2, 2]), (4, ['pato', 2, 2])]
>>> map(lambda x:x[1],_)
[['pato', 2, 1], ['pato', 2, 2], ['pato', 2, 2]]
Note:_ variable only works in interactive interpreter y normal text file _ need explicti assign, ie _=filter(lambda x:x[1][0]=="pato", enumerate(l))
Python's list.index(x) returns index of the first occurrence of x in the list. So we can pass objects returned by list compression to get their index.
>>> tuple_list = [("pineapple", 5), ("cherry", 7), ("kumquat", 3), ("plum", 11)]
>>> [tuple_list.index(t) for t in tuple_list if t[1] == 7]
>>> [tuple_list.index(t) for t in tuple_list if t[0] == 'kumquat']
With the same line, we can also get the list of index in case there are multiple matched elements.
>>> tuple_list = [("pineapple", 5), ("cherry", 7), ("kumquat", 3), ("plum", 11), ("banana", 7)]
>>> [tuple_list.index(t) for t in tuple_list if t[1] == 7]
[1, 4]