I\'m editing an HTML file in Vim and I want the browser to refresh whenever the file underneath changes.
Is there a plugin for Google Chrome that will listen for ch
If you have Node installed on your computer, then you can use light-server.
Setp 1: Install light-server using command npm install -g light-server
Step 2: While current working directory is the folder containing the static HTML page, start light-server using command npx light-server -s . -p 5000 -w "*.css # reloadcss" -w "*.html # reloadhtml" -w "*.js # reloadjs"
Step 3: Open the web page in browser at http://localhost:5000
In Step 2,
Port can be changed using -p switch
Files that are being watched can be changed using -w switch
Server directory can be changed using -s switch
Documentation for light-server is at https://www.npmjs.com/package/light-server
Update: Tincr is dead.
Tincr is a Chrome extension that will refresh the page whenever the file underneath changes.
If you are on GNU/Linux, you can use a pretty cool browser called Falkon. It's based on the Qt WebEngine. It's just like Firefox or Chromium - except, it auto refreshes the page when a file is updated. The auto refresh doesn't matter much whether you use vim, nano, or atom, vscode, brackets, geany, mousepad etc.
On Arch Linux, you can install Falkon pretty easily:
sudo pacman -S falkon
Here's the snap package.
This works for me (in Ubuntu):
# Watches the folder or files passed as arguments to the script and when it
# detects a change it automatically refreshes the current selected Chrome tab or
# window.
# Usage:
# ./chrome-refresher.sh /folder/to/watch
OUTPUT_FORMAT='%T Event(s): %e fired for file: %w. Refreshing.'
while inotifywait --exclude '.+\.swp$' -e modify -q \
-r --timefmt "${TIME_FORMAT}" --format "${OUTPUT_FORMAT}" "$@"; do
xdotool search --onlyvisible --class chromium windowactivate --sync key F5 \
search --onlyvisible --class gnome-terminal windowactivate
You may need to install inotify and xdotool packages (sudo apt-get install inotify-tools xdotool
in Ubuntu) and to change args of --class
to the actual names of your preferred browser and terminal.
Start the script as described and just open index.html in a browser. After each save in vim the script will focus your browser's window, refresh it, and then return to the terminal.
Add this to your HTML
<script> window.addEventListener('focus', ()=>{document.location = document.location})</script>
While you are editing, your browser page is blurred, by switching back to look at it, the focus event is fired and the page reloads.