I try to run jstatd jvm monitoring tool on linux machine
jboss@hostAddr:/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_18/bin> uname -a
Linux hostAddr #1 SMP Fri J
Just an additional point about previous answers that cost me some minor time to figure out.
When I used relative path in the policy file ${java.home}/lib/tools.jar
it actually pointed jstatd to JAVA_HOME/jre/
directory and since I had jdk installed I had to use ${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar
instead to get to the right place.
EDIT I was running jstatd from within a docker container running ubuntu with jdk 8 (JAVA_HOME was set correctly).
Just found following script to run jstatd
. I managed to run jstatd
with this script
[ -r ${policy} ] || cat >${policy} <<'POLICY'
grant codebase "file:${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" {
permission java.security.AllPermission;
jstatd -J-Djava.security.policy=${policy} &
I created new policy with following content:
grant codebase "file:/usr/java/latest/lib/tools.jar" { permission java.security.AllPermission; };
and then start jstatd with that policy with following command:
jstatd -J-Djava.security.policy=/usr/java/jstatd.all.policy &
Or you can use ejstatd instead of jstatd
which automatically handles this problem: just run it using mvn exec:java
inside ejstatd folder.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of this open source tool.
I have the same problem and that what you should do:
is in your $PATHjstatd -J-Djava.security.policy=/path/to/jstatd.all.policy
It helped for me.