What is the best way to do an inverse sort in scala? I imagine the following is somewhat slow.
Is there a conv
Another possibility in cases where you pass a function that you may not be able to modify directly to an Arraybuffer via sortWith for example:
val buf = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
buf += 3
buf += 9
buf += 1
// the sort function (may be passed through from elsewhere)
def sortFn = (A:Int, B:Int) => { A < B }
// the two ways to sort below
buf.sortWith(sortFn) // 1, 3, 9
buf.sortWith((A,B) => { ! sortFn(A,B) }) // 9, 3, 1
Easy peasy (at least in case of size
scala> val list = List("abc","a","abcde")
list: List[java.lang.String] = List(abc, a, abcde)
scala> list.sortBy(-_.size)
res0: List[java.lang.String] = List(abcde, abc, a)
scala> list.sortBy(_.size)
res1: List[java.lang.String] = List(a, abc, abcde)
val list = List(2, 5, 3, 1)
list.sortWith(_>_) -> res14: List[Int] = List(5, 3, 2, 1)
list.sortWith(_<_) -> res14: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 5)
has implicit parameter ord
which provides ordering
def sortBy [B] (f: (A) ⇒ B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): List[A]
so, we can define own Ordering
scala> implicit object Comp extends Ordering[Int] {
| override def compare (x: Int, y: Int): Int = y - x
| }
defined module Comp
List(3,2,5,1,6).sortBy(x => x)
res5: List[Int] = List(6, 5, 3, 2, 1)
this is my code ;)
val wordCounts = logData.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
.map(word => (word, 1))
.reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)
wordCounts.sortBy(- _._2).collect()