I am running my rails application using the following
$script/server -d webrick
on my Ubuntu system , above command run the webrick s
Run this command:
locate tmp/pids/server.pid
output: Complete path of this file. Check your project directory name to find your concerned file if multiple files are shown in list.
Then run this command:
rm -rf [complete path of tmp/pids/server.pid file]
Here I leave a bash function which, if pasted in you .bashrc
or .zshrc
will alloy you do things like:
rails start # To start the server in development environment
rails start production # To start the server in production environment
rails stop # To stop the server
rails stop -9 # To stop the server sending -9 kill signal
rails restart # To restart the server in development environment
rails restart production # To restart the server in production environment
rails whatever # Will send the call to original rails command
Here it is the function:
function rails() {
if [ "$1" = "start" ]; then
if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
rails server -d -e "$RENV"
return 0
elif [ "$1" = "stop" ]; then
if [ -f tmp/pids/server.pid ]; then
kill $2 $(cat tmp/pids/server.pid)
return 0
echo "It seems there is no server running or you are not in a rails project root directory"
return 1
elif [ "$1" = "restart" ]; then
rails stop && rails start $2
command rails $@
More information in the blog post I wrote about it.
Like Ryan said:
the pid you want is in tmp/pids/
probably server.pid is the file you want.
You should be able to run kill -9 $(cat tmp/pids/server.pid)
to bring down a daemonized server.
How about a rake task?
desc 'stop rails'
task :stop do
pid_file = 'tmp/pids/server.pid'
pid = File.read(pid_file).to_i
Process.kill 9, pid
File.delete pid_file
run with rake stop or sudo rake stop
In your terminal to find out the process id (PID):
$ lsof -wni tcp:3000
Then, use the number in the PID column to kill the process:
$ kill -9 <PID>
I came here because I were trying to (unsuccesfully) stop with a normal kill, and thought I'd being doing something wrong.
A kill -9 is the only sure way to stop a ruby on rails server? What!? Do you know the implications of this? Can be a disaster...