A new feature of Visual Studio 2013 is the ability to sign in with a Microsoft Account and have your settings be persisted across all of your instances of Visual Studio, amo
Derek's answer above didn't work for me. I am using VS 2013 Ultimate and after signing out of Visual Studio, when i tried to sign in as another user, it gave error.
Then when connecting to the Team Project i saw the option to switch user, which is what i wanted all along.
Thanks.. only one that fixed mine was the command prompt. Devenv is located under VisualStudio 12.0 Directory under common7\IDE if it helps..
There is a link: Licence with another account...(before trying to Sign in).
Click and sign in, then close the Sign In Window.
(Ultimate 2013)
I resolved this problem by deleting the registry key under
None of the above worked for me - the following did:
devenv /ResetSettings
The nice thing about this option was it didn't wipe out all of my Visual Studio configuration (as /ResetUserData does)
what worked for me was to go to Team explorer in VS2013 and under 'connect' you'll see a link saying 'select team projects'. click this and a window opens asking you to select the project but in the bottom left corner of this window there is a (switch user) link, just click this and use your new id. simple