I started to use markdown to take notes.
I use marked to view my markdown notes and its beautiful.
But as my notes get longer I find it diff
You could also use pandoc
, the "swiss-army knife" for converting "one markup format into another". It can automatically generate a table of content in the output document if you supply the --toc
Hint: If you want a table of contents in html
output, you also need to supply -s
which generates a standalone document.
Example shell command line:
./pandoc -s --toc input.md -o output.html
You could try this ruby script to generate the TOC from a markdown file.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'uri'
fileName = ARGV[0]
fileName = "README.md" if !fileName
File.open(fileName, 'r') do |f|
inside_code_snippet = false
f.each_line do |line|
forbidden_words = ['Table of contents', 'define', 'pragma']
inside_code_snippet = !inside_code_snippet if line.start_with?('```')
next if !line.start_with?("#") || forbidden_words.any? { |w| line =~ /#{w}/ } || inside_code_snippet
title = line.gsub("#", "").strip
href = URI::encode title.gsub(" ", "-").downcase
puts " " * (line.count("#")-1) + "* [#{title}](\##{href})"
If your Markdown file is to be displayed in a repo on bitbucket.org, you should add [TOC]
at the location where you want your table of contents. It will then be auto-generated. More info here:
For the Visual Studio Code users the best option to use today (2020) is the Markdown All in One plugin.
To install it, launch the VS Code Quick Open (Control/⌘+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
ext install yzhang.markdown-all-in-one
And to generate the TOC, open the command palette (Control/⌘+Shift+P) and select the Select Markdown: Create Table of Contents
Another option is the Markdown TOC plugin.
To install it, launch the VS Code Quick Open (Control/⌘+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
ext install markdown-toc
And to generate the TOC, open the command palette (Control/⌘+Shift+P) and select the Markdown TOC:Insert/Update
option or use Control/⌘+MT.
For the benefit of those of us making README.md
files in Atom (how I found this thread):
apm install markdown-toc
I just started doing the same thing (take notes in Markdown). I use Sublime Text 2 with the MarkdownPreview plugin. The built-in markdown parser supports [TOC]