I want to make a website that shows the comparison between amazon and e-bay product price. Which of these will work better and why? I am somewhat familiar with Beaut
Both are using to parse data.
Beautiful Soup is a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files.
we can use this package for getting data from java script or dynamically loading pages.
Scrapy with BeautifulSoup is one of the best combo we can work with for scraping static and dynamic contents
The way I do it is to use the eBay/Amazon API's rather than scrapy, and then parse the results using BeautifulSoup.
The APIs gives you an official way of getting the same data that you would have got from scrapy crawler, with no need to worry about hiding your identity, mess about with proxies,etc.
Scrapy It is a web scraping framework which comes with tons of goodies which make scraping from easier so that we can focus on crawling logic only. Some of my favourite things scrapy takes care for us are below.
Setting proxy,user agent ,headers etc: scrapy allows us to set and rotate proxy,and other headers dynamically.
Item Pipelines: Pipelines enable us to process data after extraction. For example we can configure pipeline to push data to your mysql server.
Cookies: scrapy automatically handles cookies for us.
TLDR: scrapy is a framework that provides everything that one might need to build large scale crawls. It provides various features that hide complexity of crawling the webs. one can simply start writing web crawlers without worrying about the setup burden.
Beautiful soup Beautiful Soup is a Python package for parsing HTML and XML documents. So with Beautiful soup you can parse a webpage that has been already downloaded. BS4 is very popular and old. Unlike scrapy,You cannot use beautiful soup only to make crawlers. You will need other libraries like requests,urllib etc to make crawlers with bs4. Again, this means you would need to manage the list of urls being crawled,to be crawled, handle cookies , manage proxy, handle errors, create your own functions to push data to CSV,JSON,XML etc. If you want to speed up than you will have to use other libraries like multiprocessing.
To sum up.
Scrapy is a rich framework that you can use to start writing crawlers without any hassale.
Beautiful soup is a library that you can use to parse a webpage. It cannot be used alone to scrape web.
You should definitely use scrapy for your amazon and e-bay product price comparison website. You could build a database of urls and run the crawler every day(cron jobs,Celery for scheduling crawls) and update the price on your database.This way your website will always pull from the database and crawler and database will act as individual components.
Scrapy is a Web-spider or web scraper framework, You give Scrapy a root URL to start crawling, then you can specify constraints on how many (number of) URLs you want to crawl and fetch,etc. It is a complete framework for web-scraping or crawling.
BeautifulSoup is a parsing library which also does a pretty good job of fetching contents from URL and allows you to parse certain parts of them without any hassle. It only fetches the contents of the URL that you give and then stops. It does not crawl unless you manually put it inside an infinite loop with certain criteria.
In simple words, with Beautiful Soup you can build something similar to Scrapy. Beautiful Soup is a library while Scrapy is a complete framework.
The differences are many and selection of any tool/technology depends on individual needs.
Few major differences are:
Using scrapy you can save tons of code and start with structured programming, If you dont like any of the scapy's pre-written methods then BeautifulSoup can be used in the place of scrapy method. Big project takes both advantages.