Taking "database" to mean "SQL product", my answer is, "Too many to mention. You could write a whole book on the subject." Happily, someone has.
We use Joe Celko's SQL Programming Style (ISBN 978-0120887972): "this book is a collection of heuristics and rules, tips, and tricks that will help you improve SQL programming style and proficiency, and for formatting and writing portable, readable, maintainable SQL code."
Advantages of this approach is include:
- the guy knows more about this kind of thing than me (is there another book on SQL heuristics?!);
- the work has already been done e.g. I can give the book to someone on the team to read and refer to;
- if someone doesn't like my coding style I can blame someone else;
- I recently got a load of rep on SO by recommending another Celko book :)
In practice we do deviate from the prescriptions of The Book but surprisingly rarely.